The recession is over, isn’t it? Wars and Conflicts

In the theory of fractal lattice nodes for the world economy, we have abilities to explain and predict specific political actions. I am not going to follow a naive approach to politics where people say that politicians, parties, etc. decide how the world is developing politically. To clarify the ideas: economics defines politics, the “shadow government” is not a group of conspiratorial individuals, but the entire structure of the global economy. But it is also grouped, remember? So if we think of governments and financial institutions as the highest group, then some of the governments and financial institutions go above that and form a “super high” group. We consider the cluster to have a deviation of around 10% in the number of viable connections, but the pure mathematics will not be presented in this study.

At first, with all these derivatives and inflated property prices, additional connections were created based on the artificial pricing model. Later on, more price increase is needed to support more connections. But there is a stage where the initial saturation is reached and the price cannot go any further. Meanwhile, the connections in the upper groups multiply.

First serious signs that the price will increase even more (by the way, real estate is only one part of the whole system and I am referring to it to simplify the situation. In fact, it includes all the main systems of generating wealth, for example , natural resources, commodities, land, etc.) is not supported from within the system was received at the beginning of the century. Note that this happened many times before in a similar way, but we are applying our theory on recent events.

Now let’s see where the new really wealth-generating areas are: Middle East (oil), Far East (manufacturing, resources). Now, the wealth generated must be extracted from the region to support the price increase. To achieve this goal, instability must be created somewhere in the region. This instability would redirect the flow of wealth towards the more stable regions “supernodes” and, therefore, would apply an extra demand in the market that would naturally increase prices. In simple words: if you have a war on your doorstep, chances are you will not buy a house in the area, but rather go to buy it in a prosperous and stable region. For this flow to be constant, the conflict should ideally be long-lasting with no viable solution. Now watch the news and see for yourself.

But the theory would not be a theory if it did not predict something. There is another high node on the way: South America. This node can begin to extract wealth streams from the supernodes and create additional connections. Therefore, the demand would decrease; the prices would go down and the number of connections and everything would go in circles. Based on the above, instability in the region would be necessary sooner rather than later.

About wars: War is a redistribution of assets, wealth, and influence. War destroys assets in one area, thus making assets in other areas more valuable.

I write all this and think that the human tragedy of our day boils down to an inevitable set of economic rules. And this is one of the saddest things there is. But this concept worked from the beginning of humanity.

But at least the theory gives another prediction, which slightly reduces the impact of the above. It is not going to be a Third World War. The complete destruction of the groups, including the top group and the breaking of all the links, is not the trend of the system. Politicians can tell you anything, praise the public, themselves, society; it is not that important as the system does not allow self-destruction. After the global economy became a reality, the number of broken connections as a result of a global conflict would destroy all clusters. Local instability is part of the system, but global destruction is not what the system needs.

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