change by choice


One of the most effective ways to deal with stress is to change by choice. You see, if you don’t change by choice, sooner or later, you will have no choice but to change. What do we mean by this? Our own conscious mind is constantly giving us feedback. It is like a barometer. How we are tracking in our life.

We need to see this in both our personal lives and business lives so that things are more effective and give us more options. When you switch early, you have many options available and the job is easier. While we tend to resist change, let’s face it, change is the only constant. Night turns into day, day into night. We change clothes every day. We change the food we eat.

These are things that are easy to do, but when it comes to more serious things in our life, we tend to stick to our old ways because it takes more effort to make those changes. Let’s look at it more in our personal life to start with. What happens if you gain a few kilos? If you take note of this, your own conscious mind is giving you a signal, manifesting as a physical sensation in your body that what you are doing is not working.

It’s easier to reign when it’s just a few kilograms, but if you ignore it and the weight becomes a bigger problem, it becomes a more difficult task, doesn’t it? In addition, other health problems may come into play. So not only do you have to make changes to the way you handle food, but now you have to change the way you’re going to deal with these other health issues. This compound becomes more difficult. Your options become restricted.

What do you do if you know you need to lose weight? Instead of switching to the next fad diet that comes along, you should change your relationship with food, because you know the last 20 diets didn’t work, so why would you expect anything different? If you have aches and pains in your body and you have a belief that it’s just your age or it’s just a part of your life and you stick with this, and maybe even be reinforced by other people telling you the same thing. The same limiting beliefs.

What would happen if you changed your way of thinking? What if you do things to become more flexible? Build a more flexible body, and a flexible body and a flexible mind usually go hand in hand. Just as a rigid body and a rigid mind go together and we get stuck in our ways.

As things get worse, they get more complicated, our options get fewer. To the point where you have no other options. Either you change or you pass a tipping point where nothing else can be done. By developing a flexible body and a flexible mind, this allows you to bend more before you break. Work easier, cope with stress more effectively.

If you’re suffering from stress, if you don’t do the necessary things to deal with stress, then as systems become overloaded, it could turn into anxiety if you don’t deal with it effectively and bring it back to normal states. of stress

The final stage, when resources are increasingly depleted, this can lead to depression. This is when all resources have been exhausted and the unconscious mind says, “I have nothing else available for you.”

Let’s look at this in the business world. There are always disruptors. We’re seeing it in the transportation industry right now, and the resistance to women in the boardroom, from those trying to stick to the old ways, “We’ve always run the system and we won’t change. If you don’t change, they will have no more options and will soon be out of business.

To give you an example from a Forbes book that goes back a few years, but is still pretty relevant. In 1987, Forbes celebrated its 70th anniversary and published a list of the top 500 companies. By the year 2000, just 13 years later, more than half of those companies were out of business. These were the companies that refused to change. They rested on their laurels and thought, “We’ve been successful. We don’t need to change.”

Any company that thinks “we’ve always done it that way, we’re not going to change because that’s the way it is and we’ve been running the industry is going to be hit hard. Well, the disruptors have always been there. Go back to Gutenberg. The invention of the printing press Look how amazing the invention of the printing press was, what a huge disruptor it was at the time, but how it empowered people so much.

Today, we have modern disruptors. In the transportation industry and in the accommodation industry. Those who try to hold on to those old ways, those who resist change, are eventually left out because their options are fewer and fewer. Instead of resisting, play the same game, learn what the new rules are. When you act early, this eliminates stress because the bigger the problem, the more stress is involved. Then you have to start putting more things on the line to the point where you change by choice or have no choice but to change.

Many people have the attitude that “if the world changed, my life would be better.”

You see, when you change, you alter the dynamic, so people, circumstances, and events have no choice but to change. This allows you to influence things for the better.

In the next few years, 40% of jobs will disappear. What are you going to do to stay ahead of the game? You need to be constantly looking, how can I make things better, how can I adjust this, what changes do I need to make NOW?


1. Do nothing, hold on to your limiting beliefs and think that you have no control over things.

2. Wait for the inevitable, to the point where you really have no choice but to change.

3. Change early, when you first get the signal, empower yourself and take control of your life.


Start looking at things in your life. Take note of what your unconscious mind is telling you. These things that are manifesting in your life. Learn to read your barometer, know what to leave and what to change. Change early, change by choice, or know that eventually you will have no choice but to change.

Which choice are you going to choose?

Copyright 2016

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