Everything you need to know about what bearded dragons eat?

People simply adore the majestic appearance of this species of animal and they make excellent household pets simply because bearded dragons (beardies) are calm and intelligent creatures. They can live up to 15 years if they are carefully cared for. Before purchasing your first dragon, make sure you understand what constitutes a healthy diet, so that you can enjoy the company of a healthy beardie for years to come.

Here is the list of foods that make up a healthy diet for beardies:

Mustard leaves
collard greens
turnip greens
Lion teeth
super worms

What is the most common food?

Crickets are a staple food for bearded men, especially during the early stages of their life. It is low in fat, rich in calcium and protein. Contains all the nutrition needed for a healthy baby or juvenile dragon. However, you should never feed your dragon wild insects to prevent disease and pesticide damage to your beard, which leads to the next question.

Where to get healthy crickets that are disease and pesticide free for my pet?

If you only have one dragon, you can buy crickets at pet stores or online. If you have more than one, this can be expensive. The good news is that you can raise crickets yourself to save money or even sell the crickets you raise to earn money. You can find more information by clicking the link below.

What accessories does my pet need?

Your pet needs a lot of calcium and vitamin D3 every day, preferably with insects. The easiest way to ensure your pet is getting enough calcium and D3 is to sprinkle the insects with ‘vitamin powder’ before offering it to your pet.

Herptivite is one of the most popular calcium supplements used by concerned bearded dragon owners and breeders.

What are common mistakes bearded dragon owners make?

One of the common misconceptions is that some owners think that ‘lectures’ may be the main staple for adult dragons. Lectures are a vegetable that has low nutritional value, so be sure to add insects and other greens to your dragons’ diet.

The second mistake is feeding a baby dragon too many mealworms. Mealworms are high in fat, and although your pet loves them, they can only feed on mealworms 3 times a week as a treat. This will keep your pet in his healthy weight range.

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