How do you begin to practice the discussion with Thomas Aquinas?

Language permeates our lives: it is essential to almost everything we do. Language organizes the world into manageable units or bricks that can be manipulated and understood. There are four modes of speech. Discourse is any manifestation of language in living communication. They are: exposition, narration, description and argument (persuasion). It is the main purpose of the writer that determines the main mode of speech. There are authors who draw a line between argument and persuasion. Argument uses logical reasoning to get the reader to accept the claim, and persuasion uses a combination of logic and emotion. For my illustration here, I will use the term argument to cover both denotations.

Personally, I know that the act of writing an argumentative essay brings with it a mass of oppressive doubts that haunt the beginning writer so persistently. Sure, the beginning writer needs to learn some strategies to build an argument. It seems to me that it is relevant to focus on the form. Thomas Aquinas is considered the greatest of medieval philosophers. Aquino has a really competent knowledge of philosophical reasoning. It is amazing to follow what will happen when you read the ideas of Thomas Aquinas.

The argument of Thomas Aquinas obeys the following order:

1. Aquino lists the strong arguments against his point of view. He then proceeds to refute them.

2. Present a reason for the point of view you think is correct.

3. Then the real reasons for your position are presented in the middle of the text.

4. Finally, it raises serious objections to the doctrine against which it is opposed. Respond to the objections raised in the introduction.

The structure of the argument is as follows:

1. Topic / Question.

2. Objection 1: It seems that …

3. Objection 2: Furthermore, …


5. I ANSWER THAT: … (brief statement, example and conclusion).

6. The answer to objection 1.

7. The answer to objection 2.

However, I do not claim that all arguments should be written like this. The writer must decide what kind of structure his argument will build. It is important for the novice writer to pay attention to the structural relationships that make content possible. The reason for this is that only the details are different for each composition. Fortunately for the beginner, the various types of argumentative essays follow a similar scheme. Writing your pieces according to a plan is efficient, as you get something that indicates where the gaps are in your thinking. Think about it.

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