Learning styles for non-traditional students

Constructivism is a philosophy of learning based on the premise that by reflecting on our own experiences we build our own understanding of the world in which we live. It is an active process in which students build new ideas or concepts based on their current and/or past knowledge. I believe that this theory of learning is essential for adult learners, as they have generated knowledge from previous experiences. Learning is contextual and knowledge is necessary to learn.

According to Funderstanding Learning Styles (2008), there are several guiding principles of constructivism which are listed below:

(1) Preparation: Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn.

(2) Spiral Organization: Instruction should be structured in a way that is easily understood by the student.

(3) Go beyond the information given: the instruction must be designed to facilitate extrapolation and/or fill in the gaps.

(4) Learning involves language, and the language we use influences learning. At the empirical level, researchers have noted that people talk to themselves as they learn. On a more general level, there is a collection of arguments that language and learning are inextricably intertwined.

(5) The crucial action of constructing meaning is mental. Physical actions and hands-on experience may be necessary for learning, but they are not enough. We need to provide activities that engage both the mind and the hands. (Dewey called this reflective activity.)

(6) Learning is a social activity. Our learning is intimately associated with our connection with others.

(7) It takes time to learn. Learning is not instant. For meaningful learning, we need to revisit ideas, reflect on them, try them out, play with them, and use them.

Constructivism calls for the elimination of a standardized curriculum; promotes the use of curricula tailored to students’ prior knowledge and emphasizes practical problem solving. Under this theory, educators focus on making connections between facts and fostering new understanding in students. Instructors tailor their teaching strategies to students’ responses and encourage them to think critically and rely heavily on open-ended questions that promote extensive dialogue among students (Hein, 1991). I believe that this theory of learning is best suited to teaching non-traditional students, as they bring a wide range of experiences and knowledge to the classroom. They have real-world experiences that everyone can learn from.

Brain-based learning theory is based on the structure and function of the brain, and I think it is another theory that is very suitable for adult learners. The reality is that everyone learns; however, traditional education often inhibits learning by discouraging, ignoring, or punishing the brain’s natural learning process. The basic principles of the state of brain-based learning:

(1) The brain can perform several activities at the same time;

(2) learning engages the entire physiology;

(3) Emotions are critical to the pattern;

(4) The brain processes all and parts simultaneously;

(5) Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception, and both conscious and unconscious processes;

(6) We understand better when facts are embedded in natural spatial memory; Y,

(7) Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat.

Gagne (1985) states that the three instructional techniques associated with brain-based learning are:
(1) Orchestrated Immersion: Creating learning environments that fully immerse students in an educational experience;
(2) Relaxed vigilance: trying to eliminate fear in students, while maintaining a highly challenging environment; Y
(3) Active Processing: Allowing the learner to consolidate and internalize information by actively processing it.

With these three techniques in mind, instructors must design learning around student interests and make learning contextual. Students need to learn in teams and use peripheral learning, and teachers need to structure learning around real problems that encourage students to learn in settings outside of the classroom as well. It makes sense that adult learners, especially non-traditional learners, would learn better using this theory. While teaching management classes a few years ago, I used this method without even realizing it. My students were all non-traditional students, most of them working full time and taking night classes, while some of them were single parents on top of working full time. During each class period, we discussed real life problems and situations encountered in the workplace, and students were placed in groups to evaluate, brainstorm, and find solutions. The experiences and knowledge these students would come back with was incredible. They learned best when they solved realistic problems and the feedback was incredible, all because it came from reality and not from an authority figure.

right brain vs. left brain As a left-handed person, I have sometimes been at a disadvantage in the “right-handed world” and have had to make a concentrated effort to adapt in some cases. The “right brain vs. left brain” theory has always intrigued me, and I’ve come to realize that it’s not only true for hand dominance, but for different modes of thought as well. The differences between left brain and right brain thinking are:

Left Brain: Logical; Sequential; Rational; Analytical; Goal; look at parts

Right Brain: Random; Intuitive; holistic; Synthesizing / Subjective: Look at the wholes

Most people have a definite preference for one of these thinking styles. In general, schools tend to favor left-brain (right-handed) mindsets while downplaying right-brain (left-handed) students. Scholastic left-brain subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and precision, while right-brain subjects focus on aesthetics, sentiment, and creativity. As a left-handed person, I can attest to the fact that I am right-brained!

To be more “brainy” (ie, equally skilled in both modes), schools must give equal weight to the arts and to the skills of imagination and synthesis. Instructors must use techniques that connect with both sides of the brain; For non-traditional students, this is especially important as they have a more holistic view of the world and tend to look more at the whole while being logical and analytical at the same time.

Robert Gagne’s Conditions of Learning Theory. Gagne distinguishes between two types of conditions, internal and external. Internal conditions include attention, motivation, and recall; external conditions include factors surrounding one’s behavior, such as the disposition and timing of stimulus events. He created a nine-step process called “the instructional events” to address learning conditions. They include:
(1) attention gain;
(2) Inform students of the objectives;
(3) Stimulate recall of prior learning;
(4) Present the content;
(5) Provide guidance for learning;
(6) Get performance (practice);
(7) Provide feedback;
(8) Evaluate performance; Y
(9) Promote retention and transfer to the workplace (Foundational Learning Styles).

This theory is the best way to ensure an effective learning program. Programs with “shimmer and shine” may look great, but they don’t always maximize the efficiency of information processing. If processing does not occur, then learning does not occur. This is especially good for educational technology where skills are critical. When using this method of instruction, skills must be learned independently and must build on previously acquired skills. The analysis phase should identify and describe the lower-level knowledge and skill prerequisites required for an individual instructional objective. Only when the lower level objectives have been mastered can the next level be taught. Positive reinforcement must be used repetitively at all times.

This is the best theory to use when teaching classes that involve motor skills. Training design should involve analysis of requirements, selection of media to be used, and design of training events. The instructor must be careful with learning concepts when developing instructional methods using this theory and motivate students along the way.

The above theories are the ones that I think are best suited for non-traditional students. In today’s age of instant information, why do we continue to educate our students as if preparing them for a life of working on the assembly line? The Industrial Revolution is a thing of the past and a distant memory. Today’s students need to learn the skills that will help them in today’s job market and in today’s society. They need to learn to make wise decisions, work well with others, and sift through vast amounts of information.

As management expert Peter Drucker said, “There is nothing more practical than a good theory.” Theories can tell us not only what should be done, but also what can be done and the process by which it can be achieved. There are many theories available and it is up to us as educators to choose the right one that best suits our students.

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