The Curse of the Magic Dustpan Artist

You probably know about the Midas curse.

King Midas was so greedy that he wanted everything he touched to turn to gold.

The modern economist’s moral of this story is “beware the law of supply and demand.” Saturate the market with gold and what happens to its value?

The original moral is, of course, be careful what you wish for.

She found herself unable to eat, drink, or hug her loved ones.

His blessing turned into a curse, simply because he couldn’t control it.

Let’s bring this myth to the present day, shall we?

Let’s say a young man wishes to become a magic pill artist. He would become supernaturally charismatic and magnetic to the point where women would quickly fall for him.

Hell yes, says the young man.

Except I’m sure you can think of all the ways it could go wrong.

Like when the wife of the jealous doorman flirts with him.

Family gatherings would become awkward…

And it only applies to human women?

This is what lack of wisdom brings you: a situation where what you wanted becomes your prison.

A rare and magical power turns your life into a waking nightmare.

What turns these blessings into curses?

A total mess.

King Midas would have been a happy boy if he could choose what to turn into gold.

Same with Mr. Charisma – there are times when you would want to turn it off.

It all comes down to control.

conscious control.

When people say they want more discipline, focus, charisma, enthusiasm… what they often inadvertently mean is that they want more control over it.

Everyone can focus sometimes.

And sure, you might want to focus more.

But there are times when you don’t want to focus, you want to let go and fall asleep, like when you fall asleep.

The person who is uncontrollably enthusiastic is not welcome at a funeral.

This notion of control sums up most of the power of hypnosis and meditation.

Most of what you currently do, think, and experience happens automatically.

Usually, you don’t choose to feel happy or focused. You can train these states to make them more likely, but they still have a mind of their own.

However, with hypnosis and meditation, you explore your unconscious.

You bring unconscious material into conscious awareness.

Which gives you more conscious control.

For example:

Let’s say your dream is to become an actor, but you can’t control your emotions. That would make your dream go away quite a bit, right?

Until you get more of your emotions out of your unconscious into your conscious.

So, you can really act.

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