The precepts of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a practice that the Chinese have used for more than 3,000 years. It is said that if you organize the furniture and content within your home in a certain way, it will help bring balance and good fortune into your life. Translated into English, Feng Shui literally means “wind-water”. The Chinese have always believed that clear water brings good health and gentle winds bring a good harvest. Modern Feng Shui is primarily about rearranging furniture, but throughout history it involved a complex mix of geolocation, astrological signs, and earth energy.

Some scholars consider Feng Shui to be little more than a form of ancient sorcery. However, the practice is believed to bring good health, wealth, and a fuller relationship between people and the land. At the core of Feng Shui is the belief that everything is alive and full of energy. The goal is to arrange the house in a way that promotes the flow of energy. To know how to organize a home, practitioners follow the Ba-Gua. This is an octagonal grid containing the sacred symbols of the mysterious I Ching.

When studying Feng Shui, you will find that there are a lot of intricacies to be learned. Once you have mastered the basic principles, you will have the opportunity to learn the advanced and philosophical aspects of this ancient art. These studies often involve exploration of the Lunar Cycle, the concept of Qi, and the Five Phases of birth and destruction, to name a few. It is crucial that you learn as much as possible about each aspect of the art so that you can draw on a wealth of information and experience.

It can take years, even a lifetime, to master Feng Shui. You will be tasked with understanding not only the space before you, but also the people who will inhabit it. Each customer will have a different energy need or requirement. You must simultaneously assess the client and the space and create the perfect, fluid space.

Enrolling in a qualified Feng Shui course will be your journey to mastering this ancient practice. Beyond a mother’s degree or qualification certificate, Feng Shui is a way of life. It is a powerful tool to open minds and spirits. Coupled with a solid foundation in interior design, Feng Shui could be the lever you need to tip the scales of fortune in your favor. Release the energy and let the Qi flow.

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