The Reason Dogs Hump and 4 Tips on How to Stop Dog Humping Behavior

Are you frustrated with dog humping behavior problems? Does your dog hump pillows, people’s legs, the neighbor’s dogs, and everything else? Worse yet, are you worried that your dog might insult a small child by hitting or scratching them?

Many people wonder why dogs have humps. The reason is simple. Your dog is simply doing this because of hormones and because you are allowing it to happen. Just by doing a little extra training with your dog, you can easily eliminate this problem.

To stop dog humping behavior, follow these steps:

1. Grab him by the nape of the neck and pull him out firmly when he is hunchbacking, speaking firmly and sternly. A shaker or spray bottle will also work and command you to sit down. Have him stay seated until he has calmed down.

2. If necessary, keep him on the leash and correct him by being firm with the leash the moment he appears to be trying to mount something.

3. As soon as you put your legs on someone, be sure to quickly correct them, either with the strap or with a neck hold.

4. Avoid dog humping behavior by removing things that he hums and neutering him.

This will work because instant and quick correction teaches your pup that this action will not be tolerated, even if it is natural.

By following these four tips, dog humping behavior will stop and you will have a dog that better follows your commands. Remember, you are in control of your dog, don’t let your dog control you.

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