5 Proven Ways On How To Lose Weight Fast According To Science

Science Proven Ways To Lose Weight Fast

If you are wondering how to lose weight fast, you have come to the right place. Many of the ways that are promoted to lose weight are simply not that effective. The best way to learn how to lose weight is to see what science has to say about it. After all, science knows what works and what doesn’t.

The following are the proven ways on how to lose weight fast.

Intermittent fasting

One of the most popular ways to lose weight in a week is intermittent fasting. The way this works is that you either participate in short absolute fasts, or significantly reduce your calories. Studies have found that when you do intermittent fasting for about six months, you will achieve incredible weight loss.

There are three popular methods of intermittent fasting. These are:

• Fasting on alternate days – You only do a complete fast every other day.

• Fasting 5: 2 – You are fasting two days a week, but you can still eat around 500 calories on your fasting days.

• Fasting 16: 8 – You are fasting for 16 hours, which leaves only an eight-hour eating window. Generally, this window is open from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Practice mindful eating

Another science-backed way to lose belly fat fast is to eat mindfully. To practice mindful eating, you are basically paying close attention to how you are eating. You can enjoy your food more and chew it better for more nutrients.

Some ways you can practice mindful eating include the following:

• Sit and eat at a table. Be aware of the food you are eating and enjoy it!

• Get rid of distractions while eating. That means not watching television, using your computer, or using your phone.

• Eat slower. Take your time when you chew your food.. Savor the flavors. The stomach fills up before the brain registers that it is full. Eating slower allows you to stay in sync with your stomach.

• Eat satisfying foods. When you avoid eating foods with empty calories and opt for options packed with helpful nutrients, you satisfy your hunger for much longer.

Eat less sugar and refined carbohydrates

The conventional diet that most people consume today involves a significant amount of refined sugar and carbohydrates. This is a surefire way to pack on extra pounds. Processed foods are often the main culprits, like white rice and bread. You can digest them quickly, but they will turn into glucose just as quickly.

The reason this is a problem is that glucose enters the bloodstream and activates the hormone insulin. Insulin’s job is to store fat in adipose tissue, causing unwanted weight gain.

If you want to lose belly fat fast, you will have to be strict about keeping refined sugars and carbohydrates out of your life. Go for the healthier alternatives that science has found to help you lose weight, including:

• Whole-grain foods

• Fruit

• Walnuts

• Seeds

• Herbal infusions

• Fruit-infused water

• Water-based shakes

These are all tasty alternatives if you are looking to lose weight fast.

Eat more fiber

Dietary fiber generally comes from carbohydrates found in carbohydrates. These are impossible to digest in the small intestine due to how hard they are, which is in contrast to refined sugars and carbohydrates. When you eat more fiber, you’ll feel full faster, which is great if you want to know how to lose weight in a week or so.

Some examples of foods that are high in fiber are:

• Whole grain bread

• Whole wheat pasta

• Oatmeal

• Fruits

• Vegetables

• Green peas

• Beans

• Walnuts

• Seeds

Maintain a healthy gut

Research on gut bacteria has recently discovered that it literally acts like a “second brain” that is responsible for the “gut feeling” that you sometimes have. You can really think with your gut! Actually, there are more bacteria in your body than there are cells. Keeping your gut bacteria balanced and healthy plays an important role in your weight.

There are gut bacteria that will give you an energy boost, while others will lead you to store more fat and gain extra weight.

If you want to know how to lose abdominal weight fast, you must increase the amount of good bacteria that live in your gut. Do the following to support the growth of those good gut bacteria:

Eat more plants. Eat fruits, vegetables, and grains. This will increase the amount of fiber you eat and introduce more variety to your gut bacteria. In fact, plant-based foods like greens should make up about 75% of your diet.

Eat fermented foods. There are many good bacteria in fermented foods that can also reduce the growth of bad bacteria. Some great options are kimchi, yogurt, and miso. These foods have probiotics that increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut.

Eat prebiotic foods. Prebiotic foods will increase the growth and activity of helpful bacteria that are known to aid weight loss. These foods are usually fruits and vegetables, but especially onions, garlic, bananas, and avocados. You can also find prebiotic fiber in cereals like oatmeal.

Start losing those kilos

Now that you know how to lose weight in a week and how to lose abdominal weight fast, the ball is in your court. The science is based on what foods help you lose weight, as well as what kinds of lifestyle changes you can make to shed unwanted pounds.

To get started, choose one of these five proven ways to lose weight fast and give them a try. It can be overwhelming to take on too many things at once, which can ultimately backfire on you. Once you are successful with one method, move on to another, followed by another. Enjoy your new weight loss!

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