5 things your business website must have

1) A call to action. Your website visitors are on your website for a reason. Your website is a marketing tool for website users to request more information, buy a product, download an app, schedule a reservation (or hundreds of other variations that allow you to make a profit on your business). You need to present a clear call to action, so your website visitors don’t leave your website and take your business to one of your competitors.

2) Responsive design. Depending on your business, more than half of your website visitors could come from mobile devices or tablets. You must provide a good user experience for those users. There are quite a few technical parts to understand on how to create a responsive layout. The basic idea is that you are formatting your website based on the user’s browser / system and how the user collapses or expands your website.

3) Clear contact information. Even today, there are many websites that make easy contact with the company difficult. Some of the largest in the world actually make it challenging for businesses to have a user contact them as a way to lower the cost of customer support. Unless your company has a monopoly, I strongly suggest that you facilitate some type of contact with your company. There are many different methods of contact, such as email, web form, or live chat. Therefore, there must be some way for a potential customer to contact your business 24/7.

4) A secure host and website. You need to make sure your host is in a secure data center with a few options for backing up your website. You should also keep a local backup of your website. One of the dangers of DIY website development or allowing a hobbyist to develop your website is that many security flaws can be inadvertently added to your website. At Juno Digital Development we have many years of experience in web development and web security; If you have a website currently up and running, we can test your website and fix any issues as a paid security advisor (contact us on our contact page for more information). Or, if you want us to create a new website, we can make sure your website is not vulnerable to potentially devastating attacks such as SQL injection attacks.

5) Links to social networks. Social media is a great way to attract specific users to your website. Through social media, a person who likes your website could attract hundreds or even thousands of new users if an article goes viral. Allowing your customers or clients to share your website content on their network through social media links is very important. Adding opportunities to like and share across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and LinkedIn can be a great way to quickly grow your business.

These 5 business website development ideas should be implemented on your business website.

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