A way to lose weight fast and for free!

If you’re faced with the task of losing a significant amount of weight, you’ve probably been tempted to try one of those quick online weight loss programs. Some of these require you to purchase cleansing formulas and fat burning pills. They claim that by removing clogged fecal matter and boosting your metabolism through their natural stimulant formulas, you will be able to achieve rapid weight loss effortlessly.

The truth is, if you want to lose weight fast and for free, avoid these street vendors and just take a three-day fast from juice and liquid vitamins. You’ll get exactly the same results as a high colonic without the expense and discomfort. Your body knows how to get rid of impurities if you just get out of its way and let it do its thing.

After your three-day liquid fast, take three days to reintroduce vegetables and liquid protein into your system. During this time, be sure to follow a walking program that will help cleanse your lymphatic system. Fresh air and sunshine offer more than aesthetic value during a walk; it actually helps balance your mental and physical state.

Keep in mind that this way to lose weight fast and free is not a branded fat loss program, rather it offers a way to jumpstart your diet and exercise program by giving you motivation to stick with it. I do not recommend it for more than three days and no more than once a month. This is a great way to clean your system without the expense associated with monthly subscriptions or dangerous chemicals.

Don’t confuse this cleansing method with those quick weight loss programs that require you to eat 1,000 calories or less a day until you reach your goal weight. I consider them quite dangerous and impractical. They are usually targeted at endomorphic body types who are already genetically predisposed to have a slower metabolism. Further reducing the efficiency of your metabolism is the last thing you want to do when your metabolic rate is slow.

One of the reasons many people who lose weight quickly gain it back quickly is because of the impractical idea of ​​focusing on weight instead of fat loss. It’s pretty easy to lose 10 or 15 pounds by draining water from your muscles and compromising them in the process. This is what happens in many restricted diet programs that offer rapid weight loss. The problem, of course, lies in the fact that your metabolic rate is compromised, leading to rapidly diminished efficiency in overall weight management.

Fat reduction does not come easily for endomorphs and therefore it seems necessary that they find a method of rapid weight loss to inspire them to keep going. Proper motivation is important for the endomorph body type to get them moving and staying moving every day.

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