Bored of your routine?

How long has it been since you changed your routine? A habit that many trainees share is falling into a routine where you always perform the same exercises and a rigid number of sets and repetitions without making any noticeable gains. To see improvements, challenge your body to deviate from your familiar routine.

Before you start any training program, or before you continue with your current one, you should set a goal for yourself, a purpose for your hard work. Simply working out and changing your diet will get you somewhere, but the same old routine day after day, month after month is sure to get boring and you’ll find yourself treating the gym like a job instead of an enjoyable experience. With this in mind, be specific and try to choose goals that you can easily measure, such as gaining 10 pounds of muscle mass or adding 50 pounds to your max squat. After setting your goals, you can decide how to achieve them, breaking that big goal down into smaller milestones that will get you where you need to go.

Hopefully the following program is a change from your current training. Remember, exercise should not be seen as a chore. It should be an activity that you enjoy, even crave. If your program doesn’t meet this criteria, change it! Good luck!


Flat Bench Press – Weighted Pyramid 1 set x 10 reps, 1×8, 1×6, 1×4, 1×2, 1×1

Flat DB flyes 3×10-12 reps

Incline DB Press 3×8-10 reps

Incline Cable flyes 3×10-12 reps

Declined DB Press 3×8-10 repetitions


Squats–weighted pyramid 4×10-12

Hack squats 3×8-10

4×12 leg extensions

Straight Legged Deadlift 4×10-12

Lying Leg Curl 3×12

Seated Leg Curl 3×12


Declined DB Pullovers 3 sets of 10 reps

BB rows 3×8-10

Low Pulley Rows 3×10-12

Hammer Strength Tall Oars 3×8-10

Lat Pull-down behind the neck 3×10

Lat Pull-downs to the front 3×10


Lateral raises DB 3 series of 12 repetitions

DB presses 3×8-10

Machine presses 3×10-12

Reverse DB Rear Delt Flyes 3×10

Rear Deltoid Machine 3×10-12

BB Upright Rows 3×8-10


Straight BB Curl 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Hammer Strength Preacher Curl 3×8-10

Alternating DB Curls 3×8-10

Standing Cable Curl 3×12-15

Close grip bench 3×8-10

Crusher skulls 3×8-10

Sitting behind the head DB extensions 3×10

Rope/Bar Push Ups 3×12-15

** Try to hit the calves every other day. One day go very heavy for 8-10 reps; next time do 15-20 light reps. Hit abs every other day for calves.

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