Cycling, but without a bicycle!

Although many people think they need a bike to ride a bike, you can actually ride a bike without one! One definition of “cycling” is a repeated pattern in a person’s life. Who do you know that, year after year, seems to be in the same situation? For example, maybe a month or a year ago, they had just met their “soul mate” and were happier than ever. Hmmmm… Well, that didn’t work. Like the one before and the one before that. Maybe they weren’t so much his “soul mate” as his “person of the month partner.” So, you see them again and now they have one time again put your “soul mate”, someone completely different. Or are? If we are not careful, we tend to do the same things over and over again and attract the same results into our lives. This is called “cycling”.

We get into cycles where we go round and round seeing and doing the same things over and over again. Like a hamster running in a wheel. Year after year, the names change, but the same characters play a role in our lives, with all the same basic elements present. We think we are making progress. Everyone else watching your life clearly sees you moving in a circle. I have also seen the feelings represented by an infinity symbol, like an 8 turned on its side, ∞. It’s like your emotions are trapped in this infinite loop that goes round and round. Stuck in a pattern of thinking and behavior and wish you could just stop and get off, right? You’ve probably had that feeling before. Most have done so at some point in their life.

Do you know someone who:

• Do you keep getting unsatisfying new jobs?
• Do you keep discovering new “get rich quick” schemes that never quite work?
• Do you constantly have no money, even though you have a steady income?
• Are you about to start a business, but need to do “a little more research”?
• Do you continue to be cheated on and/or abandoned in relationships?

You have seen that some people can be as predictable as the sun that rises every morning. You could literally draw a timeline of your patterns; when their new “soul mate” will appear, when they will have a new job or when they will call for financial assistance. And instead of trying to get help and break this cycle, they keep going back to the same thoughts and behaviors and do it all over again! It may seem to you that they are under invisible control.

And you would be well! Infinite cycles and loops, whether positive or negative, are a state of hypnosis. That’s right, you and everyone else have a recording playing in your head that drives you to search for the same set of circumstances and perform the same behaviors which will produce same results. Since you’re acting on an internally scheduled recording anyway, why not change it to something you really want in your life, a positive recording that plays over and over again? Why not rewire your hard drive to make empowering changes in your life?

Fast! What is the difference between a millionaire and a person who is constantly broke? The millionaire has habits (actions resulting from unconscious mental recordings) that enhance internal resources, and the broke person has habits (actions resulting from unconscious mental recordings) that constantly deplete resources. What is the difference between people in successful long-term marriages and people who find their “soul mate over and over again? People in successful marriages have habits of communication that strengthen their bond, while people who find to their “soul mate” year after year they have habits that destroy the possibility of a long-term relationship.

I wonder, are you ready to break a negative cycle you may have RIGHT NOW? Hypnosis and NLP are the only tools that can literally change those old thought patterns almost instantly. Let me give you a quick example: I met a woman who was sitting at her desk and behind her were about 5 dozen cupcakes left over from a party at the place where she works. I asked him if he found it difficult to refrain from them and, of course, the answer was “yes”. You see, this woman loved cupcakes! I had a cycle of “When I see cupcakes, well, I want them. Because I saw them, I want the taste, the smell, the texture. I have to have them!” She told me that her willpower was about to give way. I asked her if he could help her and she said “yes”. Using an NLP technique, I eliminated her desire for cupcakes. This happened in less than 5 minutes! A week later, she still didn’t feel like eating cupcakes. This is a less dramatic example, but it goes to show that the thoughts that lead us to do things we wish we didn’t can be easily and quickly reprogrammed. Hypnosis and NLP work on relationship issues, lack of trust, lack of motivation, even things like long-standing resentment and post-traumatic stress disorder. Imagine it now, without long hours of therapy and psychoanalysis. No drugs, diets or pills. Just a real mindset shift and becoming the person you want and know you can be!

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