dating a parsi girl

The Parsi community is a vibrant community in India. Though they may number less than 100,000, they have certainly left a mark on Indian society. The Parsis believe in Zoroaster, whose birth was in Iran or Persia, as it was called before. They had their own empire and great kings like Darius and Xerxis ruled with aplomb. But defeats and the advent of Islam forced them to flee to the state of Gujarat in India.

However, the community has a negative growth rate and the result is a declining population. Most of the Parsi girls would like to get out of vice as the control of the Panchayat and its priests and thus in India, Parsi girls marrying non-Parsi are quite common.

These girls are beautiful and generally very fair. We can almost refer to them as ultra fair. Therefore, in case you want to live her life with a Parsi girl, it will be a good idea to date her first. Parsi girls are more westernized than most Indian girls and therefore you will have to match their ethos.

It will be a good idea to learn something about the Parsi religion. So you must be prepared for this. These girls generally wear western attire and rarely wear sarees. But they are smart and fond of chocolates and good food.

When you fancy a Parsi girl, be classy and nice to her. She will not tolerate scruffy characters spitting out paan and the like. They prefer sophistication and therefore you will have to improve yourself. Parsi girls are generally emotional and you have to convince her that you are the man for her as for her it will mean breaking her ties as the Parsi religion will not accept her.

Follow the rules of the game but don’t be shy. Be bold and once you win their trust and take their hands. She will expect to be kissed like the English. So be mentally prepared for it. Girls in this community will generally not prefer spicy Indian food, so go for good continental or Chinese food on a date. Parsi girls will love long trips and outings. Keep your car in good condition and take it to distant picnic spots. After a couple of dates, when you have her trust, kiss her and propose to her. You’ll be a winner and bag an ultra-beautiful girlfriend.

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