Dating tricks to find your credit score match

This could be the result of many factors. For example, people with similar credit scores are likely to be at similar income levels and, as a result, have similar tastes and habits. And, people who have similar credit scores (whether low or high) probably also have similar attitudes toward life. Think about it. If your partner is scrupulously obsessed with maintaining your perfect credit score and you, on the other hand, are a bit more relaxed on the subject, having missed a few payments here and there, you probably have quite different personalities.

With all of this in mind, we’ve come up with 7 useful first date hacks to help you find your credit score match. Read on to take advantage of these practical romantic (and financial!) tips.

Talk about mortgages.
Ok, now mortgages may not be the most romantic topic at first glance, however, they are linked to several deeper aspects of our lives. For example: do we want to settle down? Are we homeowners? Do we want to share a home with someone we love or do we prefer to travel the world with them? A bad credit score can hurt your chances of getting a mortgage, so why not broach the subject by talking about deeper topics, like whether you and your date see yourself settling into a love nest a couple of years from now? ? That can be a very romantic topic of conversation!

Talk about marriage.
Did you know that if you’re married, your partner’s negative credit score can affect yours? Discussing your respective attitudes toward marriage on a first date is a good way to establish whether your potential partner values ​​stability, both financially and romantically. After all, these two types of stability often go hand in hand.

Check in with them about your past regrets.
Asking someone what their biggest regrets are is actually a pretty common first date question! He is far from knowing someone. Sometimes those regrets will be financial: debts incurred, loans taken out for projects that went astray. Or maybe your future lover regrets being too careful with his money! Whichever answer you get to this question, you can move on to asking them about their credit score if you like, or just use the discussion to gauge their attitudes toward risk and reward in general.

Talk about racing.
Are both members of the precariat? You can join that! Or maybe you both work in the same financially stable profession. Either way, talking about your career prospects, hopes, and pasts is a brilliant way to get to know each other, and each other’s credit scores.

Ask what they would do with a large sum of money.
If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do? This is such a common question on a first date. If your citation says ‘use the money to pay off all my sizable credit card debt’ or ‘get out of bankruptcy’, then you can get a clear picture of your credit score! Of course, if someone has a bad credit report repair, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t date them at all; All this indicates what their attitudes towards life are like and if they coincide with yours.

Ask them how organized they are.
Another great question that helps you get to know both your partner’s personality and their credit score. If someone is very disorganized, it can be difficult for them to keep making timely payments to their various creditors. A super organized person will usually be on top of their credit and their finances.

Just ask them about your credit score.
If you want to be honest with your date, why not cut to the chase? Ask them what their credit score is, and disclose yours as well if you’d like. You could start this conversation by saying, “I just read a fascinating little article on how to match his credit score on a first date…”

Bottom line, asking someone about their credit score on a first date is a great way to find out if you two will make a good long-term partner. And you don’t have to be forceful if you don’t want to: facilitate the conversation with a discussion of general topics like life plans and attitudes toward money.

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