Easy porn blocking software

Investing in easy porn blocking software is a must if you are using the internet for anything. This is especially true if you have children in your home, as they are highly susceptible to being exposed to pornographic material. In fact, recent studies indicate that incidents of child sexual exploitation have risen from 4,573 in 1998 to 112,083 in 2004, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and 70 percent of sexual advances over the Internet occurred while children they were on a computer at home. .

Having easy porn blocking software is a good tool even if you don’t have kids. Chances are, you have personal information stored on your computer that you don’t want anyone to see, especially scammers. Things like bank statements, credit card numbers, and other sensitive personal information. Scammers and identity thieves value these pieces of information and know how to take advantage of security patches to access them. An easy-to-install and easy-to-use porn filtering software program will protect you against these criminals.

Easy porn blocking software doesn’t mean it’s featureless. Actually, a question you should ask yourself when researching porn blocking software to install is “How easy is it to use?” It is of no use if your program is so difficult that you cannot use it properly. A good program is one that has many functions but is easy to use.

Don’t be intimidated by all the features that porn blocking software will have. These features should cover all the areas that typical users and children tend to leave vulnerable. For example, one feature that you definitely want in your porn blocking software is the ability to check not only the URL but also the content of a web page to determine if it is offensive. Many porn blocking software programs only check the URL of a website against a database that contains a list of URLs known to contain graphic content. However, it has been determined that hundreds of new porn sites are created every minute, so your porn filtering software is very likely out of date before you even install it.

Protecting yourself and your children doesn’t have to be difficult. But the amount of resources available that can point you in the right direction is at your fingertips. Be proactive when it comes to protecting yourself and your children from the millions of pornographic content out there, let alone predators who prey on the innocence and naivety of children.

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