EODD Book – Does the Every Other Day Diet Work?

What is the secret in the EODD book? Trying to find a weight loss program to follow is a very difficult task. That’s why there are so many out there because we all tend to stray from our diets and exercise routines. When you do find one, you need to stay focused and motivated to keep going until you start to see results. For most of us, the number one reason we fail on EVERY diet we try is the diet plan that sets us up for failure before we even start losing weight.

The reason we are doomed to fail is because, as with any typical diet, you cut your calorie intake from day one, which sounds like a good thing. Continue to diet and exercise and your body will burn fat to make up for the calories you miss every day. The downside to this is that when you eat the same things, stick to the same type of diets, your metabolism actually adjusts to them. Your body tries to predict how many calories you’ll consume in a single day and sets your metabolism to work hard enough to burn that many, causing your metabolism to slow down and your dieting efforts to go to waste. In the book EODD, or Every Other Day Diet, you continually confuse your body’s metabolism by eating different levels of calories from day to day.

For example, in the EODD book, in a day you are told to eat fewer foods and foods that are high in protein, as this helps your body burn fat. Now, on the opposite low-calorie days, you can eat pretty much anything you want: pizza, burgers, pasta, desserts…anything! What you can eat and how much you can eat is listed in the EODD book, but by changing your calorie intake from day to day, you confuse your metabolism into continually working to burn calories… even on the days you eat bit. .

Coupled with a moderate exercise plan, which usually takes 10-15 minutes and is no more difficult than the exercises you’ve done before that are in the EODD book, you may begin to see unwanted weight melt away while sticking to a diet. balanced.

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