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Our country has the distinction of being one of only two places in the world where divorce is not legal, the other being the Vatican. That divorce is already part of our culture, as reflected in the practices of indigenous peoples and Muslim Filipinos. Over the years, public opinion has swung in favor of divorce. From 43% of Filipinos who accepted it in 2005, it has now increased to 53%. Those against dropped to 32% from 45% in 2005. Annulment is the only solution to divorce in the Philippines. An annulment acts as if the marriage never took place. A marriage can be terminated in this way if the marriage does not meet all legal requirements. There are only a few options available to Filipinos when seeking an annulment. Unlike legal separation, it effectively breaks the marital ties and allows divorced spouses to remarry. Unlike the nullity of a marriage, it does not require that the solemnization of the marriage suffer from any serious defect. Actually, the most common form of divorce is physical death. [, Rom. 7:2-3]. When one of the partners dies, the surviving partner divorces them and is free to remarry. We don’t often think of that as a divorce, but it’s a guy. It is not our goal to make a mockery of marriage or debate the teaching of the Bible. the only option to end a marriage is annulment is the long and tedious process that has been financially and emotionally draining for most of us. It is time to have the divorce law in the Philippines again, as it is appreciated by the collection times. It is not only the abused/wronged partner who is truly affected by the lifelong misery that dysfunctional families bring, but also the children who suffer the most. That divorce promotes and does not contravene public policies on the sanctity of family life, the dignity of every human being, the protection of the moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being of young people, and the fundamental equality of men and women, enshrined in the Constitution. That divorce does not destroy a family, but simply brings relief to the victims of an already broken family by giving them hope and a genuine opportunity to be part of a real family. That divorce allows the spouses of a failed marriage to avoid illicit relationships by allowing them to remarry; That divorce custody battles result from the spouses’ decision to live apart, with or without legal imprimatur; That divorce must have due guarantees, divorce cannot be easily abused.

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