Green Tips: Get rid of the garbage in your life!

Research from the United Nations Development Program has indicated that there are an estimated five million people who die annually from disease related to improper waste disposal, and they say the number is growing.

It is obvious that the developed countries are the ones that are doing the most waste. For example, each individual in the United States generates about three-quarters of a ton of garbage annually.

These reports are supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency (also known as the US EPA). These worrying statistics can be reduced through proper waste management.

People need to recognize that household waste management is not just about producing less garbage. It is to a greater extent saving and protecting the environment.

To get started on your approach to a responsible household waste management program, you need to start by looking at exactly what you’re throwing away and how much waste is being transported from your home. By monitoring your trash habits, you’ll determine how you can view your household trash in other ways. The waste management mantra can be summed up in three simple words; reduce reuse recycle.

o Reduce household waste

Buying food in packages can contribute greatly to your waste. Always try to buy foods that are sold loose such as vegetables and fruits.

Thinking long-term, you should consider having your appliances serviced regularly. If they don’t work, have them repaired. This reduces the possibility of having to dispose of appliances and prevents them from going to landfill for longer.

o Reuse elements

If you have an appliance or other household equipment that is not in use and is still in good working order, you should look into donating it to charity.

Avoid the use of plastic bags and paper bags by taking a reusable shopping bag or reuse everyday items that you normally throw away. There are many different websites that can offer you some pretty unique ideas.

Be sure to buy reusable items instead of disposable ones. Reusable coffee cups and drinking water bottles should be used instead of disposable containers. This alone can prevent an immense amount of waste from being disposed of in landfills.

or recycle

One of the easiest ways to recycle is through composting. This way of recycling is beneficial for both your garden and the environment. You can even consider worm farming as a good way to earn extra money and recycle your garbage at the same time.

Recycling centers are located in almost every community. Get used to taking advantage of one near your house.

Food is another big source of household waste. How can food waste be reduced? Simply buying only the amount that you really consume and need. A shopping list is an important tool to avoid impulse purchases. Research has shown that 75% of people who purchase an item at a grocery store made that decision after entering the store. A shopping list can help your budget and help the environment.

Be a smart shopper and check your supplies first. Finish the items that will spoil first. Be aware of what happens to the food he buys, how much packaging he uses and where it comes from, before you buy it.

Finally, a mention about the dangerous chemicals found in our homes. The US government has listed almost 500 items of hazardous chemical waste and how they are disposed of properly. Everyday items in our homes, such as paint, cleaning supplies, and pesticides, contain these chemicals. By switching to organic products, you can eliminate the hassle of taking the extra steps needed to dispose of household hazardous materials.

So get the trash out of your life and your house. Make your home a safer and healthier place for you and your family and help save the environment at the same time.

These household waste management tips not only protect the environment, but also make your home a safer place for you and your family.

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