How about football stadiums with hundreds of spectator-controllable HD cameras?

Well, it’s amazing how many people get involved in soccer, and if you’re a sports enthusiast, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Grab some pizza and beer, invite your friends over, have a quick cookout, and turn on the large HD flat screen. Isn’t life great? Sure he is, but it’s not like he’s there, he’s just watching it all unfold on TV. However, sometimes the television shows a better picture and things that you would not have been able to see if you had been there in person. We all know this to be true, but could we go one step further?

What if there were hundreds of high definition cameras facing the field at all times? What if viewers at home had an app on their iPad or iPhone that allowed them to sync with what they’re watching on TV or open additional boxes to watch on TV? In other words, they might want one of the cameras on the opposing coach’s face to watch his expressions every time their team scores a touchdown. They may also want one of the cameras to continuously focus on their favorite player, no matter where they are on the pitch, it will constantly track them.

If you have a big screen TV and display at home, there is plenty of room for additional display boxes that could be displayed on the side. Wouldn’t that make watching the game that much more interesting? I bet you do, and it could be another place for the NFL, college football, or major TV networks to grow their revenue. It could also help the future of Google TV, Apple TV, or any of the other similar future market participants in the space.

And why stop at 100 cameras, you can have 400 cameras, and as long as a certain percentage of people wanted to see a certain player, you would allow it based on the percentage and number of people interested in tracking that player, coach, cheerleader, or referee. Some would say that, for example, in New York City there are too many cameras on every street and there is no sense of privacy. Well, when you’re playing on a football field, you shouldn’t expect privacy when there are over 40,000 fans watching, on top of the millions of Americans sitting in their living room watching TV.

Could something like this work? Sure it could, and it could make players more honest by avoiding fouls knowing that everyone is watching all the time. In fact, I hope you will please consider all this and think about it.

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