How to windsurf – Part 1

This is the first part of a how to windsurf guide that will give you the basic steps needed to enjoy windsurfing.

So, summer is right around the corner (we all hope so!) and it’s time to get out there and learn something new that will be good exercise, sociable, and fun.

Part 1 of this guide walks you through the preparation you need before you even head out on the water. There are several steps that, if taken, will make your first windsurfing experience much smoother and more enjoyable.

1.Physical Preparation – Nowadays it is quite common in the world of sports that you need to prepare your body for the physical actions that it will have to perform. The more physically prepared your body is, the easier you will find the basic actions necessary to learn to windsurf. For example, if you include some basic squats (no weights, just the action itself will suffice) in your training program prior to your windsurfing lesson, you will automatically find that the action of lifting the windsurfing sail out of the water (uphauling) is much easier. Act.

2. Mental Preparation – You may have heard of the term visualization and understand what it means, but do you ever put it into practice? In sports, visualization can really make ALL the difference when learning a new skill or move. The process is very simple, you just have to calm your mind and imagine yourself performing the movement/skill you are trying to learn. This process literally programs the muscles in your body to do what they need to do and before you know it, you’ll be completing the task at hand, windsurfing off into the sunset!

Seriously, by using the visualization techniques above, you WILL LEARN to windsurf faster and more effectively than without them!

3. Take windsurfing lessons – take lessons to learn step-by-step the real skills needed to learn the basics of windsurfing, including lifting, static 180 turns, sailing position, steering and, if you’re going to take a full beginner windsurfing course, how-to’s windsurfing against the wind/turn. and how to windsurf downwind/gybe. All of these skills are very specific and detailed, but if taught by an experienced instructor, you can easily learn them within the scope of a beginner windsurfing course. The money spent on windsurfing lessons is well worth it!

So often well meaning family or friends try to help others learn the basics of windsurfing, where the poor learner makes the same mistakes over and over again when all it takes is a little adjustment to get them sailing to the other side. of the Bay.

4. Focused training with muscle memory – Breaking a skill/movement down into its component parts and repeating them over and over again at low speed in a controlled environment is an amazing way to condition your body to achieve results. When you are actually windsurfing there are many factors at play (wind, balance on the board, holding the sail) and it can take a lot of trial and error to finally figure out what is going on. With a little muscle memory training, once you hit the water, your body will go into autopilot mode thanks to the slow-motion repetitive training you’ve been practicing over and over again on dry land.

A good windsurfing school should use a full motion land based windsurfing simulator so that students practice the exact same physical actions that they will need to repeat once in the water. Muscle memory training is an essential part of learning to windsurf that everyone should practice if they want to progress quickly.

5. Set goals – As cheesy as it is, setting achievable goals is a really good way to take your learning to the next level. The goals you set must be achievable, otherwise the fun of learning is gone.

There you have it, a simple step by step process to follow, from preparing yourself physically and then mentally before taking windsurfing lessons with focused muscle memory training and finally boosting your progress by setting some achievable goals. If you follow the steps above, in order, then your introduction to the sport of windsurfing will go much smoother and your learning curve will skyrocket.

In a future article, the How to Windsurf Guide – Part 2 will provide an exact action plan that has proven to be the most effective way to take a complete beginner through the learning process and towards becoming a competent windsurfer, all in the least amount of time.

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