Increase metabolism in a fat burning hell

Wouldn’t you like to increase your metabolism by pressing a button that would fire your body into fat-burning hell? Let’s face it, most fitness enthusiasts focused on burning fat always say they wish they had a faster metabolism.

Imagine if you could easily turn your body from an efficient fat storage machine into an emulsifying fat burning furnace.

In other words, you can burn more fat, at rest, without doing a little more exercise. To turn your body into a fat-burning, metabolism-boosting machine, all you need to do is follow a few simple natural metabolism boosters.

However, before we get into metabolism boosters, it’s important that you fully understand what Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) really is. Your BMR is the number of calories your body needs at rest to maintain normal bodily functions, such as a beating heart, maintaining body temperature, and basic respiration. Your basal metabolic rate includes about 60% of the total calories your body needs each day. Thus, the more calories your body consumes at rest, the greater the possibility of burning more unwanted body fat.

Your total basal metabolic rate is made up of BMR, plus the thermal effect of food digestion, plus the amount of physical activity.

As a result of the aging process, it’s a simple fact that metabolism slows by 3% to 5% every decade from the mid-thirties onward. In fact, when a person reaches age 55, he should eat about 150 fewer calories than he needs in his twenties.

Studies have shown that women’s metabolism is generally 10% – 15% lower than men’s due to less muscle mass. Also, keep in mind that there may be genetic differences between one person’s metabolic rate and another’s. However, listed below are some proven ways to increase your metabolism in a fat burning furnace.

Success tips to increase metabolism in a furnace to burn fat 24 hours a day.

1. Begin strength training to increase metabolically active lean body tissue. For every additional pound of metabolically active muscle, your body burns an additional 35 to 50 calories per day. So an additional 10 pounds of muscle will produce 350 to 500 calories per day. This translates to 1 pound of fat loss every 7 to 10 days. Now that’s what I call efficient.

Don’t be alarmed if you just don’t have a lot of time to train with weights. It takes less than 30 minutes each week to benefit from these metabolism-boosting results. For more information on how to quickly add metabolically active muscle while working out as little as 30 minutes per week, visit

2. Eat three meals and two snacks every day. Every time a food is eaten, an increase in metabolism is observed. Note that this is not a call to eat a large amount of calories, but a reasonable amount of calories, for best results, should be divided into 5-6 small meals.

3. Increase your exercise. Yes, you have heard this before. Exercise, such as walking or running, increases metabolism. Stay consistent and you’ll burn fat like an oven.

4. Eat nutritious, low-sugar, high-fiber foods and avoid simple sugars. Eating simple sugars has been shown not to increase metabolism. Eating foods high in fiber and low in sugar, including protein, are considered helpful tips to boost metabolism in food choices. A good rule of thumb is to avoid alcohol, sugar, and fasting.

5. Get adequate vitamin C and B and drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. For natural metabolism enhancement to occur, your system must be working at 100%. This includes the correct amounts of vitamin B, C and water.

6. Drink green tea herb. Green tea extract was found to result in a significant increase in energy expenditure similar to that of caffeine. It is also noted that other metabolism-boosting properties were discovered.

By closely following these 6 simple natural tips to boost metabolism, your body will surely go from being a fat storage machine to a fat burning furnace. To increase metabolism, all you have to do is follow these 5 simple hacks to improve metabolism.

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