kettlebell workouts

If you have lost interest in your current gym workouts, you should try kettlebell workouts.

The kettlebell itself has been around for over a hundred years, but has only recently gained popularity. What is a kettlebell? It’s just like a bowling ball with a handle!

One of the first advantages of training with kettlebells is that you need very little space. They are ideal for training at home. Second, it’s the only piece of equipment you need for a whole series of exercises. These workouts give you a full body workout and will give you everything from a stronger back and shoulders to amazing 6 pack abs.

There is real technique to using weights correctly and it is not a good idea to just buy kettlebells and start training with them. If you belong to a gym, ask the instructors for help with some basic exercises. If not, at least buy a book or some DVDs on how to use them correctly.

To get the full benefit and tone and sculpt your body, correct use and a variety of exercises are essential. They are also great for fat loss and calorie burning as well as increasing overall stamina. As a martial arts enthusiast, I use these on most days to build muscle, flexibility, and core strength.

You can make these exercises as intense as you want. You may want to start with a set of adjustable kettlebells instead of having to invest in a set of different weights. A training session does not have to last very long and if you are going to train regularly I suggest a maximum of 20 minutes at first, increasing to 30-40 minutes with experience. A rest day in between is good to allow your muscles to recover and grow.

Where to buy kettlebells
If you are training at the gym, you will eventually consider where to buy kettlebells. I suggest you choose a quality set and don’t cut corners with cheap or inferior gear. Buy the best you can afford, as they will last you many years if you get quality, solid dumbbells.

Local gym stores and retailers will carry the equipment, but don’t forget you can buy it online. This way, you are likely to save a considerable amount of money.

kettlebell workouts They’re great for men and women, so if you invest in a few, it’s something both you and your partner will get value from.

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