Little Tikes Country Kitchen has everything your child needs to feel like a real chef

The Little Tikes Country Kitchen has all the modern conveniences of a new kitchen to make your child feel like a real chef. They can try out their cooking techniques in safety and style. Children find cooking fascinating and with this kitchen they can practice what they have seen in a place that is just the right size for them.

My little girl loves her Little Tikes country kitchen. I love her because it’s small enough to fit near our real kitchen, but big enough to make it feel like it’s in a real kitchen. Her kitchen gets a lot of use, she eats at least three meals a day there and when her friends come over, they even make sandwiches there and take them to the playhouse in the backyard. You wouldn’t guess it’s all just pretend.

The oven and stove have knobs that move and make realistic sounds when you turn them on and off. My girl heats the oven before putting anything in it. The door actually opens on the stove, which certainly helps to pretend. Once her food is ready, she puts it on the plastic plates that come as part of the kitchen set and then she puts the dirty dishes in the dishwasher near the sink.

When my daughter and I get home from grocery shopping, she likes to put her snacks in her kitchen cabinets. She takes the juice from her and puts it on one of the three shelves in the refrigerator. She even checks the ice maker on the outside of the refrigerator door to see if she needs more plastic ice cubes. It’s so much fun to see her use her imagination in her kitchen.

I was surprised when I realized how much my little girl learned, just by watching me cook. She knows what she usually spends on the stove or in the microwave. The oven and microwave in the Little Tikes Country Kitchen have opening doors with a space inside and pretend numbers on them. The microwave also makes realistic sounds.

There is also a sink with a nice faucet in the Little Tikes country kitchen. He uses it to wash his hands before preparing any food. She knows she’s just pretend and still washes her hands in the real sink when she has to. She now even tells her friends to remember to wash their hands before touching anything in her kitchen.

There’s even a folding table in the Little Tikes country kitchen. We’ll both sit there and have our snacks and she even uses it for coloring and crafts. The kitchen also comes with plastic utensils, plates, pots and pans – everything a little chef needs to make a big meal.

At four years old, my little girl is learning how to safely use everything in her kitchen. I remind her that the stove and oven are hot and she needs to be careful and use a potholder. The Little Tikes Country Kitchen is a great place for her to play pretend and is a great way to teach her about safety in a real kitchen.

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