Selection and Utilization of Liposuction Cannulas

Utilization of Liposuction Cannulas

Liposuction cannulas vary in size, diameter, and tip configuration. The selection and utilization of these instruments must be based on technique and the location being treated. For example, the 2-probe design of the UAL allows continuous aspiration of the emulsion during the ultrasound phase. A hollow probe, meanwhile, is considered to be less effective in aspirating the emulsion.

liposuction cannulas

The microcannula, with a diameter of 2.5 to 3 mm, is generally preferred to large-diameter cannulas. This smaller size allows the surgeon to gauge the anesthesia and to determine the appropriate location for the procedure. The lateral force is directed along the long axis of the cannula shaft and is therefore ineffective in lifting the adipose tissue.

The use of small-gauge microcannulas is recommended over the use of large-diameter cannulas, as they cause less pain and allow for the surgeon to check anesthesia. The surgeon should also minimize the lateral force applied to the shaft of the microcannula during the procedure, because it does not have the capacity to lift the adipose tissue.

Selection and Utilization of Liposuction Cannulas

As new concepts in liposuction surgery have emerged, the designs of liposuction cannulas have likewise changed. Now, liposuction cannula designs can incorporate handles, shafts, apertures, and tips. A classical cannula is often used by inexperienced surgeons, while a modern-day surgeon may employ different cannulas, depending on the adipose tissue to be removed.

The selection and utilization of liposuction cannulas is critical to the outcome of the procedure. The depth of the cannula is crucial as shallow liposuction may result in deformity of the contour. The adit, or an incision, is a surgical incision made through the skin. While the adit is not a visible wound, it is a crucial part of the treatment.

The cannulas used for liposuction must be carefully selected and utilized properly. A cannula should be positioned so that it covers the entire area to be treated. It should be well-angled to avoid any distortion during aspiration. The cannula should be sized so that it does not enlarge the body. During a procedure, the adipose tissue must be sufficiently hydrated for the cannula to be reabsorbed.

Cannulas are used for liposuction in several ways. The SAL can be performed using a small round-tip cannula topped with an aspirator. The SAL can be performed with a larger-tip cannulas. While SAL uses a larger-tip cannula, SAL uses a smaller-tip cannula and a larger-tip cannula.

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