Technical wizardry does this EFT online course

In the world of conference calls, there are many options. Most people are used to Skype and know how to use it. So when the topic is important, this is the medium of choice.

Skype conference calls are great and usually work. I personally took the option of using them for my teleclasses, until a big one was scheduled, and I was in Africa at the time, and the internet reduced the number of attendees from about 20 to about 4, since everyone could hear. me, but I had to “hear” them through written instant messages. Lesson learned. So in a wonderful EFT training course I took online, I was excited about the possibility of it being via Skype. I was unable to attend in person and needed to sharpen my skills in a popular (and rightly so) form of EFT, AMT’s Energy EFT. If it were me, I would have tried it on Google Hangout, but having tried similar things on Google Hangout and found that it still hasn’t become easy to use at home, I was amazed at how this course proceeded with Skype, despite many technical challenges. Sandra Hillawi, my chosen trainer, teaches these courses regularly in a Skype group video conference, and everything runs smoothly. She had set up my Android with lots of mobile internet, as I was in Africa finishing up a project before finally returning home to the UK, so the landline internet connection was very spotty. But we got off to a good start. Or so I thought. I logged into my super fast Linux Ubuntu computer, logged into Skype, logged into the call… Only to find out that Skype doesn’t offer video conferencing calls on my OS! So, I went to my Android… Only to find that Skype doesn’t offer it on Android either! Oh dear… Luckily my spouse, an IT specialist, was there and gave me the Windows PC that should never be touched, a great honor for the day, the PC that should only be used for development work of you. I happily connected to Skype, got into the conference call, everything was fine, but… The other attendee had an old system and couldn’t use the Skype video conference call! My God again… But Sandra saved the day.

After trying a few solutions, Sandra remembered that there was an old laptop that she hadn’t thrown away. She pulled it out, loaded up the latest version of Skype, and connected with each of the two attendees separately (I was glad there were only two of us, as if God/The Universe knew). Throughout the 3-day training, we had to do exercises as training attendees with each other, and Sandra simply placed the computers in front of each other. She repeated words that were not very clear, so that we both heard each other well, and the three days of training were one of the best courses I have ever taken! We have everything done and something more.

I hope this has given you some ideas if you take online EFT courses yourself. I know there are specialized platforms, like WizIQ, but they also don’t run on Linux and are even more complex for newbies to use than Google Hangout, so Skype really is the best option.

After this, I took another course with Sandra Hillawi, the Trainers course, and I’m happy to report that even with more attendees, everyone was able to access a Windows computer and the training was seamless.

When there’s a will there’s a way!

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