The benefits of proper hydration are mind-boggling.

Water means the difference between good health and disease. Consider some of the benefits of good hydration. That:

Reduces the risk of disease

Research studies show that good hydration reduces the risk of breast cancer by 79%, reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45%, and reduces the risk of bladder cancer by 50%.

Improves mental clarity

As little as a 2% drop in body water causes short-term memory problems and significant concentration difficulties. Good hydration helps you stay mentally alert throughout the day.

Improves digestion

A digestive system without enough fluid is constipated. The fluid is essential for nutrients to pass through the delicate membranes of the intestines. If the body is properly hydrated, there is enough fluid in the digestive tract to distribute nutrients throughout the body.

Smoothes skin texture

Proper hydration makes it possible for water to move through all the membranes in your body so that the body’s largest organ, the skin, is properly hydrated. The texture of the skin is smoothed. The natural aging process slows down. Wrinkles disappear. The bagged skin tightens. Why bother going through the pain of a facelift when giving your body water is a safe, natural and effective alternative with no hassle?

Delay the aging process

The reason for poor hydration as we age is the gradual decline of the thirst mechanism in the brain. When we are young and thirsty, there is no one to stop us when we are thirsty. A different story emerges as we age. The thirst signal is distorted because we ignore it and because we drink dehydrating drinks like coffee or alcohol. Proper hydration lowers the surface tension of ingested water and reduces the cluster size of its molecules. Moisturizing capacity is increased, making water more readily available for transport to each and every cell in the body.

Relieves back and joint pain

A little known fact is that adequate hydration has been shown to relieve back and joint pain in up to 80% of patients.

Helps control body weight

For many people, the body’s thirst mechanism is so weak that a third of Americans mistake it for hunger. Instead of drinking water, we eat.

Reset the third mechanism

Hunger is not confused with thirst. The obvious benefit is a subsequent loss of excess weight caused by eating too much food.

In summary, what are the incredible benefits of good hydration?

* We look and feel younger.

* Mental clarity gets a welcome boost.

* Our digestive system sends nutrients to each cell

* Weight control is restored.

* The ability to handle stress is improved.

* The pain of sore joints is reduced.

* General flexibility is restored.

All body systems function at their full potential with good hydration. It sounds too good to be true?

It is not. As simple as it sounds, water is the secret to good health.

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