The Church of Londonistan

Recently, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, called on England to accept and implement Sharia law for its Muslim inhabitants, giving an interview to Emel, a Muslim lifestyle magazine, in which he said: “Our modern Western definition of “Humanity is clearly not working very well. There is something about Western modernity that really eats away at the soul.”

This is the same type of capitulation speech made by Dutch Bishop Martinus Petrus Maria Muskens, who also suggested that we refer to God as Allah. Reports indicate that Muskens was “asked” to resign as bishop on October 31, 2007, three years earlier than usual for that range. When the Bishop of Rochester, Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, commented that parts of Britain had become “no-go areas” for non-Muslims, he and his family received death threats.

Johann Hari from the UK Independent gives us some examples of how Sharia law applies to women when they divorce their husbands:

o The divorce process for a man is very simple under the Sahria law, he has to say to his wife, “I divorce you” three times during three months. A wife cannot appeal her husband’s decision and if a woman wants the same divorce privilege, she has to ask her husband’s permission.

o Irum Shazad, who was cut off by her abusive husband, was forced by a Sharia court to return to her husband where she spent 18 violent months until she was finally granted a divorce.

o Next we meet Nasirin Iqbal, a 27-year-old Pakistani woman who was sent to Britain five years ago to get married. Her husband, Imran, has kept her isolated and she doesn’t speak a word of English. “I came here thinking you would treat me well,” she says. “But he keeps hurting me. He brought me here to use me. I’m not an object… I don’t have a heart?… He tells me I’m stuck with him, and under Islam he can treat me however he wants. ‘I’m a man , I can treat you however I want.

o We see how Imran torments her and announces: “You are a reject. I did not want to marry you.” She takes a second wife in Pakistan and texts her all day in front of Nasirin declaring her love for her. The sharia court issues a fatwa saying the marriage stands. She doesn’t seem to know that this isn’t a court of law. “I can’t ignore what they say,” she cries. “You have to go with what they say.”

Debra Saunders of the San Francisco Chronicle gives us more examples:

o The ‘Community Crimes, Honor Based Violence in the UK’ report estimates almost a dozen honor killings a year in Britain.

o A UK prosecutor pointed out that the areas where honor violence occurs are the same areas where Islamist groups congregate.

While Mohammed is the second most common male newborn baby name in England, multiculturalists in former “Great” Britain are stumbling to gift shop. Although bigamy is an offense punishable by up to seven years in prison, government ministers have recommended allowing social benefits to be paid to all wives of a Muslim man as long as he marries them in legal ceremonies.

Estimated at $20 million per year, Brits should be outraged that taxpayers have to foot the tab for up to four wives.

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