The Truth About Using Onion Juice For Hair Growth And Thickness

Growing hair is very difficult. For many reasons. One of the main reasons we get frustrated and usually give up on our hair, even if we spend a lot of money and effort growing it, is the fact that it is such a slow effort.

Hair grows at a rate similar to that of a turtle.

But having said that, all hope is not lost. So if you have experienced any form of hair loss, you will be happy to know that there is an all-natural solution that can help. Yes, one of the best ways to fix this problem, the problem of weak hair or hair that slowly but surely begins to thin out, is to use onions.

It may sound strange and weird at first, but there are some real benefits of onions for hair growth. Next, we will explain how to use onion juice for hair growth.

But first, let’s look at the amazing benefits of using onion juice on your hair.

Both users and hair professionals agree that when used consistently, you can experience such amazing benefits for your hair. Please note that this is not a one-time use, but a regular application over several weeks.

Here are some interesting facts related to onion juice and hair growth:

1. Onions are rich in sulfur in the diet, and hair follicles need sulfur to regenerate.

Sulfur also has an added benefit, as it strengthens the hair. Stronger hair means less hair breakage and more stability.

2. Onion juice is rich in many antioxidants. All of those antioxidants will help your hair stay strong, as well as prevent it from turning gray.

3. Another great benefit of onion juice is its ability to fight bacteria. With enough use of onion juice, you will eliminate all those unnecessary bacteria that swirl around your hair day to day.

4. Onion juice helps improve blood circulation to the scalp.

And you may or may not know that for hair to grow strong with stable follicles, you need good blood circulation.

Now that we have discussed some of the benefits of using onion juice on hair, we can move on to the application aspect of the remedy.

So this is what you will need:

  • 1. Two or three large onions
  • 2. An essential oil of choice.
  • 3. A blender
  • 4. A small strainer or cheesecloth
  • 5. Small container for juice.
  • 6. A cotton ball.

Here’s how to make your onion juice mix

Step 1

Peel the onions and chop them into small pieces. Blend the small pieces until you get an almost firm mixture.

Step 2

Place the strainer over a bowl or container. Pour the blended mixture into the strainer and use a spoon to press it down to get all the juice into the bowl below.

Step 3

Add a few drops of essential oil like lavender or peppermint to help mask the smell of the onions.

Step 4

Use a small piece of cotton wool and dip it in the onion juice. Part your hair so that the areas of your head that have little hair are exposed.

Apply the juice all over the head, but be sure to pay special attention to the places on the head where the hair is thinnest.

Step 5

Cover your head with a shower cap and let the remedy sit for at least an hour.

Step 6

After the time has elapsed, wash your hair with a mild organic shampoo and rinse well with warm water.

And that is!

For best results, use this onion juice remedy at least 3 times a week for at least 4-6 weeks. This remedy is very effective, but it must be constant over a period of time. The only downside is that it takes a long time.

But if you have free time, this is definitely a remedy that should be part of your weekly hair care routine.

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