Treat head lice naturally

When your child rushes home, he looks messy and scratches his scalp so often that you suspect he sees something on his head that irritates him. Lice are crawling fast on your scalp! This is just a common scenario of lice infested children and you want to look for ways to treat lice naturally because some medications contain harsh chemicals that are not good for your children. Lice treatments should kill the lice without putting your children’s health at risk.

Description of head lice

Lice are crawling insects, they do not have wings and are considered parasites because they feed on blood sucked from the human scalp. They do not pose a great danger to the health of the person, but only severe irritation and itching. The common characteristics of lice are:

• Adult lice feed as many times a day

• The size is almost the same as that of a sesame seed or the head of a match (it measures between 2 mm and 4 mm)

• The color is dark and becomes darker after sucking blood

• Wingless, the body is elongated or stretched, with three body segments, namely the abdomen, thorax, and head.

• Lives close to the scalp and lays 3 to 10 nits per day

Head lice symptoms include red sores found on the scalp, itching, and the presence of a large number of lice eggs on the hair shafts. If you are seeing these manifestations, you are indeed infested with lice. There are many lice remedies available, including chemical-based lice medications and natural home remedies. Pediculides refer to drugs to kill lice and nymphs, but which leave lice eggs and therefore reapplication of treatment must be done correctly. These can be purchased with a prescription from your doctor due to the toxicity involved.

If you do not want your child to be exposed to chemical treatments, it is best to treat lice naturally. Still, the most effective way to remove lice and lice eggs is by picking them up one by one and also using a lice comb. This method does not involve applying formulas to the hair to kill lice and nymphs. You can follow these simple steps to get rid of lice infestation.

1. One way to kill lice is to apply a soothing product to the scalp. Try using mayonnaise or petroleum jelly because both products work the same. What you need is a jar of mayonnaise and a shower cap. Place a handful of mayonnaise on the hair portions, carefully massaging between the strands of hair until the entire head area is covered with mayonnaise, especially the neckline and behind the ears. Cover the head with a shower cap for two hours just to soften the nits and hair lice on the hair shafts. After two hours, wash hair thoroughly with soap and shampoo until mixed until hair is just as clean. You can re-wash your hair if it is sticky until the mayonnaise is completely removed. If you don’t agree with the use of mayonnaise because it is too messy, using petroleum jelly is a good option.

2. Another natural remedy to get rid of stubborn lice is to use vinegar. This is very natural and basic because most homes have vinegar in the kitchen. You can saturate the hair with vinegar for at least an hour, cover the hair with a shower cap, and rinse well after an hour of soaking. You can repeat the process after two or three days because consequently those lice die after two or three days of vinegar application. Just do a follow-up operation to make sure all lice have been removed to prevent re-infestation of head lice.

3. The use of essential oil as a natural remedy to get rid of lice is gaining popularity today. Applying tea tree oil is one of the easiest methods to kill lice. Combine at least 15 drops of tea tree oil in a shampoo bottle. Better if the shampoo bottle is half full just so the oil can spread more evenly. Use it as your daily shampoo.

4. Aloe vera leaves also work wonders for removing lice while adding shine and volume to hair loss. How to apply? Choose an Aloe Vera leaf, remove all the thorns from its side carefully, peel it off and form a gel substance. Apply to hair and leave on for at least 30 minutes. Divide hair into one-inch subsections. You can take a teaspoon of aloe gel and mix it with the brand of shampoo of your choice. Apply daily and consistently. After each bath, use a metal lice comb and collect the lice one by one.

Treating lice the natural way is the most amazing thing you can share and contribute to the total well-being of your child. Lice should not be taken for granted, but must be given the utmost importance. The best thing about these natural remedies is that you are killing the lice without hurting your precious little one. What is most important here is the removal of all lice eggs because when the nits are completely removed from the scalp, there will be no more lice reinfestation in the future.

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