Use a hydraulic lift kit to create a custom lectern for public speaking events

If you’ve ever been to a business conference, trade show, university presentation, or other event that required multiple speakers to use the same podium, you’ve surely noticed that the flexible microphone snakes on most podiums are rarely adequate to handle. the necessary height and usage settings required by different speakers. By including a hydraulic lift kit within the frame of their custom lecterns, cabinet makers can get rid of those measly microphone snakes and create truly customizable height-adjustable podiums that will meet the needs of almost any speaker.

High quality hydraulic lift kits are available in a wide range of configurations and can be implemented in almost any custom lectern manufacturing project. Depending on your desired podium configuration, hydraulic lift kits can be found in 2-leg and 4-leg designs, with some adjustable up to 16 inches in height. With easy-to-use hand crank or electronic controls, moving the system up and down won’t take time. Integrating a hydraulic lift kit into the podium at the design and build stages will prove to be a fairly simple and cost effective solution for any capable cash goods manufacturer.

Alternatively, adding a full cabinet to an off-the-shelf adjustable height table will create a podium that not only offers excellent vertical adjustability, but also offers heavy-duty strength and superior ability to accommodate any unique requirement. There are many sizes of height-adjustable tables available, making it easy to find the right one to meet your potential specifications. Whether a speaker needs a place to put a laptop (or even desktop) for a multimedia presentation, space for large and/or heavy archaeological artifacts to use as visual aids, or anything in between, a tall table adjustable with an optional full enclosure table will be up to the task. Manual crank or electronic controls make the height adjustment process quick and easy.

Adding a modernized hydraulic lift kit while building a custom podium will give you superior adjustability for any height and usage requirements. A height adjustable table with an additional full enclosure will ensure ideal vertical fit and ample space and strength for any size and weight considerations. It doesn’t matter if the keynote speaker is someone as short as Danny DeVito or as tall as LeBron James, the custom lectern will quickly and easily adjust to the right height and capacity.

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