Why do cheating husbands risk everything to cheat?

It is very common to hear cases of unfaithful husbands who insist that they still love their wives very much. So why risk it all if you love your spouse? You may wonder. What could they be getting from the women they’re cheating with that they can’t get within their marriages?

First of all, you need to understand that it does not mean that husbands are lying when they say that they still love their wives. There are some things that can push them to cheat despite the love they feel. While every relationship is different, the following are some of the common denominators that play a role in this unfortunate situation. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, so you should know about them to avoid the painful experience.

total pleasure

There are many things that will not worry a husband during the times that he is with the other woman. For example, he won’t have to worry about those small but annoying responsibilities that you keep pestering him about, whether it’s taking out the trash or mowing the lawn. While it’s true that he should have done these things, and you were just reminding him of what he should do, he needs to understand that men can easily interpret being told something more than once as an annoyance.

This does not mean that you should not do anything when he does not take responsibility. What it does mean, however, is that you need to find a nice way to encourage him to enjoy doing chores. Do you think the other woman tells her what she should do when they’re getting intimate?


Men generally want more sex. Unfortunately, this is something that seems to frustrate some wives, who almost see their husbands as getting drunk on sex. However, this can leave room for the other woman, who will give it to her when she feels like it.

Doesn’t he know that you have a lot of responsibilities and you’re too tired to accept sex? The trick is to make your sex life a part of your priorities. Don’t make him feel like he’s just getting what you have left over.

Arrange to give him first priority and let him know that he has first place in your life. Let him know that you are giving yourself especially for him, and give it to him more often than before. This has a special way of letting it stick to you on its own.

stroke his ego

Do you realize how much your husband likes that you admire him? If you praise him for what he has done, you will motivate him to try even harder so that he can hear you praising him more. You will do yourself a great disservice if you only wait for praise to reach the most important achievements.

Here are some of the reasons cheating husbands risk everything. When you make a good plan, you will get your husband back and you won’t let him think about another woman.

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