Writing Strategy: Dealing with Character Stalkers in Your Writing

The stories are just reflections of the real world, be it the writers or the readers.

Yes, we have countless sad stories of bullying. Even our family members could bully us, co-workers, or even between nations and so on, bullying is present and wreaking havoc on the psyche, economy and peace. This type of bestial behavior known as “just power bumping into someone or a group” is some kind of manifestation of insecurity, jealousy, or envy, or just behavior from a misfit individual, or a nation that knows nothing about respect, empathy, humanity, etc. . And stalkers have the same profile: they are not satisfied with their own skin. They are always looking for other people who could be their victims and, in the process, make them feel good about themselves. Pathetic.

As an author, don’t have a problem with the character stalker. Yes, I have met several of them: from silent types to auditory.

“Just kidding.” This poor excuse or alibi of a bully is all too familiar to me. Many could relate to this, and who in his right mind would be doing such a thing? A narcissist!

The narcissist is a bully through and through. Without remorse, nothing can stop this person from doing it, especially if the harassment is done in a subtle way.

Embodying a character thug is like literally skinning a real thug alive and putting a cover on the body of a fictional character, and viola, a personified thug, in a different dimension, even in an imaginary world. Now you can add unique actions, habits and jobs, to make it compelling and easy to identify.

Similar to the creation of Frankenstein, where the head sewn to the torso, obtained from different corpses, forms a sewn body, a physical vessel of a moving zombie – a monster!

Effective character delineation makes readers feel the tension each time the protagonist and the character’s aggressor meet until the climactic phase where the character’s aggressor succumbs to defeat or realizes something right or good, in the end!

Yes, bullies die and their bullying stops with their death, unless they are reincarnated under a new skin or have passed the bullying virus on to their children in the future. My gosh generational bullies are like!

In my novel, the evil giants exist on Imacus Island, where secrets are revealed: intimidation after intimidation until Lily, the protagonist, puts an end to them. But isn’t bullying addictive, and can such behavior be present in all of us? Yes, although in different forms and degrees.

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