Your guide to staying fit and healthy well into old age

Facing middle age and feeling sluggish, fatigued, and generally overweight? Don’t assume it’s all downhill from here. You can stay fit and healthy into old age, if you decide to make some major lifestyle changes. Now is the time to act!

Ask yourself the following questions: –

  1. Why do some people do better in old age than others?

  2. Why are some people in their 70s and 80s able to lead healthy and active lives without illness, while others become frail and dependent on family members?

Could it be due to luck, or does it have something to do with the lifestyle choices they have made?

It is true that some people may have a genetic predisposition to diseases that cannot be easily prevented. However, most people with age-related illnesses may not have paid enough attention to their overall health, especially during middle age.

Aging has an impact on our health and vitality. We know that around the age of 35 our heart rate begins to drop slightly. Between the ages of 47 and 51, most women begin to experience life changes associated with menopause. As we pass our 50s, our memory, balance, and muscle mass begin to decline.

Regardless of general aging, the main cause of many diseases is largely due to poor diet, harmful levels of stress, and lack of physical and mental exercise. By choosing to switch from bad midlife habits to good ones, you can delay or even prevent diseases like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and dementia.

Under the age of 40 it is possible, to some extent, to get away with poor lifestyle choices. Excessive alcohol intake, smoking, and a poor diet are largely offset by a young body. However, after 40, you need to take more care of yourself. If you’ve reached your 40s, believing that losing fitness and gaining weight is normal, then your thinking may foster what’s known as the spread of midlife. It’s actually an increase in visceral fat, often linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Research has shown that between the ages of 40 and 60, at least two-thirds of the UK population will suffer from some form of chronic health problem, or at least one long-term illness. However, to a large extent, many of these diseases are preventable.

Definitely, middle age is not a downhill course. Instead, it gives you the opportunity to view life in a more positive light. You owe it to yourself to develop a greater chance for an active, disease-free lifestyle while living to old age.

Here are 4 tips you can work on, if you want to avoid the risk of a debilitating disease later in life.

Take care of your teeth and gums – This may seem obvious, but oral hygiene plays an important role in our long-term health, especially as we age. Brushing and flossing after meals can help prevent inflammation and plaque build-up on both the gums and the body. The blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart and brain can narrow or become restricted when there is plaque in the body. This can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or early onset dementia. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can significantly improve your health.

Maintain a healthy diet. – Make sure the foods you eat have a positive effect on your overall health. Always check food labels to make sure products are low in salt, sugar, and saturated fat. Foods high in these will raise bad cholesterol, clog your arteries, and increase your risk of disease. A diet rich in lean protein, fresh fruits, vegetables, and oily fish can ensure good health. Try to prepare and cook your own meals as often as possible. There are several good cookery books and shows that show you how to prepare healthy meals in minutes. Drink plenty of water daily and reduce your alcohol intake.

Exercise your mind and body regularly – It is never too late to start doing daily physical and mental exercises. Obviously, no one will expect you to run your first marathon or appear in the mastermind. However, physical exercises such as using the stairs frequently, brisk walking, stretching, or going to a gym can be beneficial in helping to keep your body in good working order. If you join a gym, protect your wrists, hands, and back. Enjoying a new hobby and reading or completing puzzles can help keep your mind sharp and alert.

Relax and sleep well – Dealing with personal, family and work problems can be stressful. Coping with extreme stress can be detrimental to your health. It is crucial to take time out of your busy day to relax and unwind. Try to find a time each day to relax in a quiet place. Consider meditation or controlled breathing exercises, these will all help clear your mind. Later in the evening, enjoy a long soak in the bathroom before going to bed.

Nobody wants to become a burden to their loved ones due to poor health problems in the future. Imagine being in full control of your life as you age. Midlife is a perfect time to evaluate your lifestyle and make all of those important health changes. Sixteen that chance.

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