Your real odds of being struck by lightning

When I was young, one of my friends had told me that I hope you get struck by lightning. I thought about the chances of being struck by lightning or a million to one. They’re not that tall though, and I actually used to like going for a run in the rain because I was a very good runner in high school and college. And I like to run on mountain trails near my house and therefore my chance of being struck by lightning was probably 10 times higher than anyone else in town hiding at home during storms.

However, about two years after this woman spoke these words and, as I recall, she was a very pretty girl; his own brother was struck by lightning and I thought to myself, I think my mind is too strong and his words couldn’t reach me, but instead it was his brother who was struck by lightning. Believe it or not, he lived to tell the tale. So I can say that I know someone who has been struck by lightning and then I thought that the chances of someone being struck by lightning must be less than a million, so I did few searches on the internet.

The real probabilities in the United States of America are; 244,000 to one having been struck by lightning in his lifetime. In fact, they are far less than winning the lottery. So in case you are thinking that you are going to win the lottery for your retirement, I can tell you; you better save your money because the chances of you winning the lottery are over a million to one; while your chances of being struck by lightning are less than 250,000 to one. So consider this in 2006.

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