10 steps to deal with the loss of your pet

Sometimes special animals come into our lives and touch our hearts in a way that leaves us forever changed. One chapter ends when the familiar road they traveled together comes to an abrupt and. You are in unknown territory without a map. Lost. The world as you know it can look totally different.

Not everyone realizes that the bond between humans and their pets can be deeper than with a loved human being. Some people tend to spend more time with their pets than with family members. Pets don’t judge or hurt us the way humans do. The loss of his constant and unconditional love can leave us empty.

There is no better way to get over the loss of a beloved pet. The path through the complaint process is different for everyone. Here are some things I found helpful when I lost Maggie, my beautiful black Lab with whom I had the most precious of relationships:

1. Perform a ritual after your pet dies and invite friends and family who knew and loved your pet. Share stories about how your beloved animal has enriched your life and other lives you have touched. You can also create a memorial altar with a candle and a photo of your pets, along with other items that belong to or remind you of your pet, such as their bowl, special toys, and a lock of their hair.

2. Recognize that the grievance of the loss of a pet can be exceptionally deep and honor that by giving your grievance the space to be so. Allow your tears. Set aside some quiet time each day where you can lessen the demands of the outside world. Write in your journal. Allow your pain to express itself and release itself.

3. Let in the compassion and understanding of supportive family, friends, and strangers.

4. Don’t be surprised if some family members or friends aren’t as understanding as you might expect. Give yourself a break from friends who don’t understand the depth of your grievance, who try to minimize your loss because you’re an animal rather than a human, or who have unrealistic expectations of you at this vulnerable time.

5. Let people know if you need to talk about your lost pet. Many well-meaning people may try to change the subject to make it easier for you, and you may need to let them know it’s okay to talk about it.

6. Find a pet loss support group locally or online and use the national pet loss support hotlines.

7. Nourish yourself. Get a massage. Take you nature walks. To meditate. Have lunch with a supportive friend. Do what feeds your soul.

8. Know yourself well enough to know if getting a new pet at this time will help or hinder our complaint process. Some people do well to jump right in with a new dog or cat. Others may resent having a new animal in the house too quickly.

9. Help the animals at your local humane society or get involved with the many breed rescue groups in your area. You can help ease your grief by allowing your lost animal’s love to become part of a larger purpose, such as helping and caring for homeless animals.

10. Try new things to discover more about yourself; those creative endeavors that you have often considered but never attempted.

We all have to face grievance and loss eventually. He is one of life’s great equalizers. Allow the death of your pet to shake the foundation of who you are, as death often does. When we experience a loss, it can be a good time to let go of what no longer fits in your life; it’s not you In my case, after losing Maggie, I changed both personally and professionally. I hope that my steps on the path from loss to healing now can benefit you in your time of loss. As devastating as the loss of our beloved animals can be, this time can also be an excellent opportunity to examine our purpose in life and find new meaning.

©Reproduction permission granted with credit to the author.

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