4 interesting facts about the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel

When you’re ready to welcome a member of the canine family into your home, you have a lot to think about, including choosing the breed type for your new addition. The King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is a popular breed due to its compact size and propensity to be warm and affectionate. Here are some interesting facts to help you determine if this breed of dog is for you.

Addicted to turns

The American Kennel Club recognizes the breed as a toy dog. The King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is a small dog that many people find irresistibly cute. Any family with young children will be the perfect family for this dog. These dogs are full of gentle love and affection for everyone, but they especially like young children.

They love to sit on the lap, so they are ideal for people of any age who live with other people or who live alone. In the 1700s, King Charles II of England gave the breed its name because of his undying affection for his spaniels. He never went anywhere without them and was famous for being seen with one of his two dogs sitting quietly on his lap for hours on end.

Automatic flea detractors

Historically, this breed was used to keep fleas away from their owners. These days, it is important to take precautions with them so that they can stay flea free. Just talk to a vet about a flea repellent in pill form or visit any pet supply store for topical applications.

Do they still help keep fleas away from people? You’ll find out when you bring your new spaniel home. Their love for you is sure to make them wish they could keep those fleas away.

Dependent on walking

The King Charles Cavalier Spaniel may be ideal for lazing around the house on the lap of a loved one, but requires at least one walk a day. If you can’t get around every day, consider a different breed or make plans to hire a permanent dog walker. This is a requirement that the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel cannot do without.

Hottest dog around

In recent years, the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel has made it to the top 25 of the most beloved dog breeds. They continue to rise in popularity, so if these facts have helped you make up your mind, go out and find the perfect spaniel to call yours now.

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