5 opinions about leukemia: its cause and treatment

1. Doctor

According to two of the most prestigious medical diagnosticians, Professors Whiting and Sutton, leukemia is often characterized by the presence of immature white blood cells accompanied by severe anemia.

The symptoms observed during the course of this condition are: – bleeding in the skin and mucous membranes, – oral ulceration, – fever and – occasional enlargement of the lymph nodes and spleen

If a subject exhibits these symptoms, you can assume that they have what is medically recognized as leukemia.

2. Chiropractic

According to James N. Firth, who is recognized as an authority on chiropractic diagnosis, leukemia is a condition in which; – there is a large increase in the number of white blood cells, – enlargement of the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow

While the chiropractic diagnosis is very similar to the medical diagnosis, the chiropractor recognizes that there are spinal subluxations present in the liver, spleen, kidneys, and lumbar areas of the spine and these should be adjusted toward normal.

The discoverer and developer of chiropractic, DD Palmer does not beat around the bush when he advises the physician to adjust the seventh thoracic vertebra and even goes so far as to say that the adjuster should be positioned on the patient’s left side and adjusted toward the right shoulder. .

Surely such specific instructions would indicate that Palmer had some experience in handling this complaint.

3. Osteopathy

The osteopath accepts the general diagnosis of blood diseases as does the medical profession but, unsurprisingly, takes a more scientific, positive and optimistic stance regarding treatment.

Dr. AT Still, the first osteopath, warned that the cause of nerve irritation must be found and removed before the channels (arteries, veins, and lymphatics) can relax and open enough to allow free passage of the nerve. clogging fluids.

4. Natural hygiene

According to Dr. James Neuhauser, leukemia is; – blood cancer in which the body produces too many white blood cells – the first sign may be bone pain, joint pain and blood in the urine

And … in your opinion, it seems that “there is no recourse”. (This last statement seems to be a confession that he does not know how to reverse this disease.)

Of course, this agrees with the view shared by most hygienists, including Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, that cancer is an irreversible pathology.

5. Nature Cure

In 1883, Louis Kuhne, one of our first naturopaths, said that to effect a radical cure of all disease: “We must proceed to transform the chronic condition into an acute one. Through this crisis the body will be able to expel the foreign matter that is causing the disease. complaint “.

Nature’s solution to all diseases / symptoms

1) Eliminate causes

We must remove as many obstructions as possible.

These can be chemical, mental, or mechanical. Chemical blockages are eliminated by rational adjustment of food intake and cessation of intake of harmful drugs or remedies. Physical obstructions can be removed by chiropractic / osteopathic or naprapathy. Mental obstructions must be treated through a positive mental health program.

2) Provide a healthy environment

We must provide optimal biological needs such as sunlight, fresh air, pure water, exercise, relaxation, and mental balance.

3) Rest

When the Healing Crisis occurs, we must fast until the body indicates that it has done all it can under the prevailing circumstances.

Trust – Born of Knowledge – Based on Truth

All the best for your health and happiness,


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