Can You Make People Violate Their Core Beliefs Under Hypnosis?

The question is ubiquitous in hypnosis circles and hopefully among hypnosis clients as well. Can the hypnotist get people to do things under hypnosis that they would never do when they are “awake”?

The simple answer is: yes and no.

To understand the question, you must understand what hypnosis is and is not. Let’s say for the sake of this article that hypnosis is an extreme approach. Hypnosis experts are not entirely sure how to define hypnosis because most, including myself, of the opinion that we are always in some form of hypnotic trance.

A common example to illustrate this point is the situation where you are driving down the interstate, daydreaming, and passing the exit. His reverie, in this case, was his extreme focus point, to the exclusion of his conscious agenda.

In that sense, his own internal mechanisms brought him into such an intense place of focus that he essentially violated his conscious intention and agenda. In other words, he never intended to pass his exit, but did it anyway.

However, generally, when people ask the question seriously, they want to know about situations much more serious than driving past the freeway exit.

They want to know if you can create a Manchurian candidate, so to speak. Can you get someone to commit murder? Can you get someone to agree to some otherwise undesirable sexual contact? Can you hypnotize someone with their money?

Fortunately, for most hypnotists, the answer is no. Most hypnotists do not possess the necessary skills to accomplish this. An expert hypnotist is another matter entirely.

It boils down to a scenario in which the hypnotist can create imaginary situations that the subject believes to be true. This process can be very therapeutic when used for good. It can be devastating if used for evil.

Let me give an example of each.

On the positive side, imagine a situation in which the subject has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Can hypnosis be used to rectify an incurable ailment? Maybe.

Let’s call the disease liver cancer. Under hypnosis, by overlooking the critical factor, the hypnotist can give orders not that the subject will be cured, but that the subject is already cured. Make sure you understand the difference there. It is the difference between success and failure.

The intelligent hypnotist will also include suggestions to the unconscious that each and every thought, inclination, and trial be viewed as positive evidence of complete remission. In that way, he can use the massive power of the unconscious instead of trying to fight it, an extremely important distinction.

The change in beliefs then facilitates a change in the subject’s reference vibrational frequency. The body is free to heal itself. If you can facilitate this change in a person, cancer is no match for the incredible healing power of the body.

And now towards the negative, can you get people to do things against their conscious agenda? If you know how, yes. The general scenario is one in which it alters the understanding and perception of the person of the world around him.

As a warning, if the hypnotist creates a situation in which a crime is committed, the hypnotist is very likely to go to jail. It is a situation in which the hypnotist is the responsible party. This is not only true in the legal sense, but also in the spiritual or cosmic sense (depending on your beliefs). These negative efforts seem to bounce off the perpetrator and do so with a vengeance. I highly recommend avoiding this situation, and this article is for educational purposes only.

But, for an extreme case, suppose your goal is to get a woman to kill her newborn child. I choose this to illustrate perhaps the most extreme contrast, because for most women, this is a concept that they would fiercely, even violently, oppose.

However, if the hypnotist could create the imaginary situation that this baby was not really a baby, but a watermelon, and the woman in this case was not the “mother” of a watermelon, but was actually the comedian. , Gallagher, who made a living breaking watermelons in his stage act, and his job was to smash the watermelon with a huge mallet, well, I think you can imagine the rest.

There are many factors contributing to the results here, including but not limited to: the hypnotist’s rapport with the subject (confidence level), the skill of the hypnotist, the form of induction, the specific verbiage of the hypnotic instruction, the receptivity of the subject (they are good candidates for hypnosis in the first place), the depth of the trance, the triggers needed to trigger the illusion and create action, etc.

I don’t think the above list is exhaustive.

Furthermore, one needs to determine the feasibility of these factors for the subject, how to use induction most effective for this subject, knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it, and a host of other pieces of information are necessary. to ensure the effectiveness of the process.

This information is outside the scope of this article.

And the bottom line here is that if you’re that smart hypnotist, chances are good that you can find people that this might work for.

If it becomes good enough to put the cancer into remission, people will line up to see it. You would definitely have an advantage over your competitors in the market. This is not to say that losing weight and quitting smoking are insignificant or futile endeavors, no, not at all. And it’s very satisfying to experiment when you know you were able to deliver lasting customer benefit.

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