College Care Packages – A Cherished Gift From Home!

With your college students now comfortably ensconced in their dorms or off-campus housing, you can breathe a sigh of relief. The trauma of moving from what to buy and what to bring is now a distant memory. As you sit back and enjoy the quiet, you’re sure to miss the fun and laughter that comes with kids in the house. On the other hand, though they won’t be quick to admit it, your student will miss home-cooked meals, the privacy of her own room, and yes, even mom and dad! So when you have a few free hours, use them to send your college student some fun and laughter. There is no better way to do this than a homemade care package. Care Packages are one of the most prized possessions on campus.

There are many websites that offer “pre-packaged” care boxes for college students. While they are easy to order, they can be very expensive. They also tend to be very generic in nature with items like cookies, popcorn, candy, or coffee. As a mother of four children, all current and former college students, I can tell you from experience that a “homemade” care package will be the most successful.

So what do you put in this creative concoction? First of all, start with a theme. Are you planning a winter or spring break trip? Is there a funny story you’ve told about something that happened to you recently at school? Are you nostalgic? Are they complaining about the university food? Are you stressed with studies? Any of these is a perfect starting point for a great college care package. One of my all-time favorite care packages was for my son at the University of Michigan. He and his 13 roommates pooled their funds to buy a big-screen TV for his off-campus home. It lasted about 10 days. Someone left the door open and sure enough… I was halfway to Detroit when they noticed he was gone. His quest and eventual success in replacing his big screen became a “Big Screen Party in a Box” care package. They entered movies, homemade T-shirts with a picture of his house and the slogan “Home of the big men with the big screen.” Yes, it sounds cheesy and a little cheesy, but this team loved them!

Also, I baked cookies. Homemade cookies may be the best thing to put in any care package. They are really appreciated. If you want to do it from scratch, great, but I’ve found the best shortcut. Betty Crocker cookie mix in a bag. You add butter, an egg, mix and bake for 18 minutes. There are all sorts of varieties available, including chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter, and oatmeal. I would offer two tips: bake on parchment paper, and once cooled, wrap the cookie individually. Then put them in a disposable plastic container and mail them. Compare shipping costs. I usually use Federal Express Ground or Post Office flat rate boxes.

So get ready and plan a care package for your college kid. They will appreciate and enjoy it. Carol shares other fun and humorous college booster package ideas that all four of her enjoyed at Celebration Ideas Online.

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