Detailing your car yourself in the best way possible

When you think of taking care of your car, most people think of simple maintenance for their car. Oil changes, tire rotation, tune-up, etc. But have you ever thought about taking care of the exterior and interior of your car? How clean and organized your car is can determine how you feel about your car. A car that is beautiful, like new, may actually be more enjoyable to drive. To make your car look like new, you can take it to an auto detailing shop or you can do it yourself. You can save a lot of money doing it yourself, but it helps to learn some of the tips professional auto detailers use.

First, it’s a good idea to visit your local auto supply store. There, you can pick up inexpensive items like lint-free cloths, car shampoo, cleaning supplies, and other items you’ll need to detail your car. You will also want access to good quality water. If you have hard water and use it to wash your car, it may leave residue and hard water spots. There are portable units you can buy to dispense water in your car. They require a refill every 5,000 to 10,000 gallons. Water is as close as you can get to distilled water. With this type of unit and water, you can detail the car without worrying about leaving stains on the car. Be sure to dry the car well with your lint-free cloth. Don’t forget to clean the tires. There are cleaners you can use that will make your wheels look shiny. You’d be surprised what a difference shiny clean rims make to the overall look of your car.

Now that you have the tools to clean your car’s exterior well, be sure to keep your car’s interior clean and organized, too. You’ll want to start with a good vacuum with plenty of power. The higher the power, the more suction you will have when it comes to shampooing your carpets. Be sure to clean the dash and console with a good cleaner to remove dust and keep its color true and bright.

When you’re done detailing your entire car, you’ll want to keep it looking like you just drove it out of the lot. So throw out your trash every time you stop at a gas station or convenience store. You don’t want it to build up in your car until it overflows. Put the things that tend to roll in your car in the trunk in a secure net. Put important documents such as registration, maps and other documents in the glove box so you can access them quickly and easily. Keep trash bags in your car to clean soda cans or food wrappers. You can usually just use a small plastic bag and hang it over the back of your seat for easy access to a trash bag. Lastly, make sure you have a portable handheld vacuum in the trunk of your car so you can clean up small spills and messes.

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