Fifteen Rules You Should Know BEFORE You Make Any Sales Call

I was discussing sales with a client. He had never made a sales call (his business was new). I started to explain the details of how to handle the conversation when I realized that there were things that I had to know BEFORE talking to someone.

As we talked, we came up with the following list of 15 Ground and Fundamental Rules You Need to Know Before You Pick Up the Phone.

I am sharing them here with you in the hope that they will help you as much as they did my client.

1. The most confident person during the conversation makes the sale. Is he more sure that he can help his prospect or is he more sure that it’s “not right for them”.

2. There will ALWAYS be objections. Objections are used to help people make decisions, and as Brian Tracy said, “treat objections as requests for additional information.”

3. When you sell something to someone, it is something you do for him or her, not for him. Selling is not about you being out there to get someone and their money; it’s about you being there to help someone and solve their problem.

4. It’s about what they want, not what they need. We all need many things but we don’t buy them. We buy what we want, not what we need. Of course, we want some of the things we need, but there are many needs that we put off in favor of the things we want.

5. They are right. I cannot stress this enough. Your prospect came on a sales call to address what they consider to be a problem. They won’t buy anything but a solution to that problem. Also, if you tell them they are wrong or try to correct them, they will automatically become defensive. You must agree with them and build on that agreement.

6. It’s about them, not you. Why should they buy what you would like to do or what you would like to see? They will buy what interests them. It doesn’t matter if you want to see them grow your business. It doesn’t matter if you want to have them at your event or a show you’re running. It only matters if they want to be at the event and that means you have to focus on their needs and wants and not your own and listen for those moments when you say, “What I would love to see you do is…”

7. It’s just a conversation. Sure, there are strategies that will help you close more sales. You can follow guidelines to keep up during a sales conversation, but at the end of the day, it’s just two people talking. It’s just a conversation.

8. It is your job to facilitate a conversation. Know when to listen and when to be silent. You are there to be a guide. The conversation you are facilitating is the one that is going on in their mind. It is your job to guide the conversation in a way that is productive for your prospect and allows them to understand the problem you think they have and help you find a solution. The only way to facilitate that conversation is to listen to what they are saying and ask them questions. You can follow a guide and also know when you need to listen more and reach a deeper level of understanding.

And please be respectful of his thoughts. Give them space to really think and listen, very few people do.

9. You will be wrong. You will offer too much information. You will lose the train of your thoughts. You will forget something. Alright. You are human. Remember, this is just a conversation and you can certainly say, “You know, I messed up here, can we go back to…”?

10. Take control of the conversation. Inform the person you are speaking with of the agenda and format of the conversation. When your prospect takes control of the conversation, what often happens is that they ramble and never get to the heart of the matter until suddenly they say, “Oh, is it 4 o’clock yet? I have to go. Thanks for your help.” time, it was really helpful.” You end up frustrated and don’t get a solution to your problem.

11. Ask the tough questions you’re afraid to ask. A sales conversation has the potential to be transformational for your prospect, whether or not they ultimately buy from you. If you know they’re thinking about something beyond what they’re saying out loud, ask them. Dig to find the real answers.

12. Be honest. One of my mentors says: “If you think it and don’t say it, it’s a lie.” If you hear them say something between the lines, let them know. This does not mean that you have to mean to them. Use honesty to help them move on. Honesty and kindness go a long way.

13. Have something to sell them and be flexible. Know how much your service costs and put together a package that is easy for someone to understand and that you can sell. And, be flexible. Listen to your prospect’s problem and make sure that the solution you are offering makes sense to them, and if you can’t find one that does.

14. Ask about the sale. Unless you ask them to work with you or buy your product, they won’t be able to get the help they seek.

15. Trust yourself. They wouldn’t spend time talking to you if they didn’t have a problem that they think you can solve.

Well, there you have it. What can you do differently the next time you’re in a sales conversation?

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