Google Chrome operating system


Google, the world’s leading search engine company, has announced the development of a new operating system called Google Chrome.

The company unveiled plans to develop the new system on July 7. Google has officially made clear its intentions to compete directly with Microsoft in the operating system market.

Chrome is listed as a derivative of Linux and will be free to use. It will launch with netbooks first, with a release schedule of mid-2010.

Manufacturers that work with Google include:




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Texas Instruments


The graphic design is based on the Google Chrome browser, released 9 months ago, and is being developed as a lightweight operating system with the Internet as its main priority.

Chrome is focused on consumers who place a lot of emphasis on using the Internet.

Security and Privacy

Google has stated that the security built into Chrome will no longer rely on security updates and Chrome users will no longer have to deal with virus and malware infections. They claim it will just work!

However, his bold claims remain to be seen. It is foreseeable that at the moment no computer system can be completely impervious to security problems.

Some people have also questioned their privacy and Google’s protection of personal information. However, we should note that similar concerns have been raised about other companies operating in this field.

A brief history of Google

The Google search engine was started in 1996 as a research project by Larry Page, later joined by Sergey Brin. Together they devised an algorithm with which to rank websites based on their relevance to Internet searches.

In 2000, the advertising product AdWords was launched. AdWords allowed companies to buy keywords for small ads that could be placed next to search results.

2004 saw the birth of Google Earth, the result of the acquisition of Keyhole, Inc, which pioneered the early software.

In 2006, Google bought the online video repository YouTube.

Since its small beginnings, Google has continued to offer more services, such as iGoogle, GMail, Google News, Talk!, Picasa, AdSense, and many more products.

Frequent questions

Q. What is the Google Chrome browser?

A. Chrome Browser is Google’s answer to competing web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

Q. What is Linux?

A. Linux was developed to be a free alternative to the once widely used commercial UNIX operating system, and now also competes with Microsoft. In 1991, Linus Torvalds began work on the Linux Kernel (the ‘brain’ of a computer’s control software).

Q. What are netbooks?

A. A netbook is a type of low-cost portable computer designed primarily for wireless communication and Internet access.


Expect to hear more news on Chrome OS development later this year, we’re looking forward to seeing what Google’s offering will bring.

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