How can a woman intrigue a man? Here’s how to do it easily without playing any mind games

Men cannot resist a challenge. They love to chase, hunt and solve. When it comes to women, men become more persistent when she’s hard to catch, when there’s competition, when she exudes an air of mystery. So how can you intrigue a man you like?

A little spontaneity will go a long way.
Being spontaneous does not mean being reckless or impulsive. This just means that you are full of surprises, that you can turn a boring activity or a boring day into an extraordinary one. You know how to have fun, laugh, enjoy life. Men are intrigued by women who can’t seem to run out of childish passion (note: childish and not childish).

Pull back.
When you give a man everything he wants and serve it to him on a silver platter all the time, on demand, he will eventually get bored and lose interest. There must be times when you’re too busy to call him back right away, or you’re on a trip with your friends without him. You need to have time for yourself.

Remember small details.
He’ll be surprised and intrigued when you remind him out of the blue that it’s his sister’s birthday the next day. Or that when you walk past a pet store together you mention that this was probably her first dog. He tries to keep those little details that he mentions and remember them when the situation requires it.

Let me discover you.
There is no mystery if you tell him in explicit detail everything about yourself. No, don’t tell him, he lets him discover you little by little. When you know that there is more to discover, you will want to know more.

Keep growing.
Don’t let your life stagnate. Keep growing, keep learning. Do the things you love to do, make yourself a better person every day. Nothing intrigues a man more than a woman who gets on with life, who looks forward to each day, who is able to draw happiness from herself.

Keep things in balance.
Many men are intrigued by women who are capable of achieving a lot and still smile. She supports herself, she maintains her health, she takes care of the house, she goes out with friends, she has a hobby, and she still manages to sit down and read a book.

Be the most attractive of you.
And lastly, a man is intrigued to find out that you still manage to take care of yourself and stay beautiful after all the balance you do every day.

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