How to silence the chorus of naysayers in your head

Dear Bold Ones,

Good. Here we are, it’s SPRING and all the promises you made to yourself to really boost your business, start a fitness plan or start that project you’ve been wanting to do for so long have not materialized yet and you feel bad.

Is this the time to humiliate yourself and fall for a pity party?

Good? No, it’s not.

This is the time to banish your IttyBitty Sh*tty Committee.

You know them.

The chorus of voices that say you’re a complete failure.

Perhaps you made a list of too many resolutions in December that were so unrealistic that it is impossible to keep them. Throw away that list they’re dragging you down.

Spring, the season or renewal and rebirth, is the time to renew, renew and reconsider what you REALLY want.

Let’s do it.

One thing I want to know is that the Itty Bitty Sh*tty Committee will be running around in your head saying things like:

“You’re too old to succeed, too dumb, too fat, too poor, too tired, not educated enough, if your idea was good someone would have done it already, who do you think you are anyway? You never go to work You don’t deserve this, you’re worth nothing, blah blah.” has

The Committee’s job is to prevent you from achieving your big dream because the Committee is afraid. It’s like having outdated computer software on a new MAC.


The IBSC can drag you down and stop you in your tracks before you even get going.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be Bold when the Committee runs your life.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be Irresistibly Attractive and Manifest anything when the committee is running your show.

To short-circuit the committee Daily affirmations and a daily action step are absolutely essential.

Close the committee with Audacious Action and Affirmations.

Whatever your Bold intentions.

That is how:

Step one. Notice in your thoughts what the IBSC is telling you when you are going to take a step forward towards your big dream.

Second step. Create a daily action step and a weekly goal that the action step takes you toward.

Step three. Take your daily action step that will take you towards your goal, no matter what else happens that day, the action step is essential. Skip the Trainee or American Idol if you have to…you must take the action step.

Step four. Use a daily affirmation like “I deserve this” “I am creative” “What I do matters”

Post your daily affirmation where you can see it.

Say it at least 10 times a day and silence the COMMITTEE once and for all.

Have fun.

Reward yourself.

Take a nice bubble bath.

The Committee hates that.

Extra points.

Take this action step now.

Are you tired of being a scared cat?

Do you have great ideas but when you share them with your friends and family they say, “Oh, that will never work!”

Be bold!

What are you willing to do to achieve the big dream?

How much longer are you willing to sit on the sidelines waiting for the perfect moment to start?

Get started right now.

Get a journal and celebrate all of your life’s accomplishments so far…every one.

Without judgment. Just celebrating.

Tell the Committee to get lost by showing them all your successes, big and small.


Do it now.

A big Audacious hug to you for being willing to play.

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