Leaving pets alone for long periods

There always comes a time when two-legged beings must leave their pet or pets behind to venture out into the world. Adventures can be trips, vacations, or a long work shift that means pets can’t go either. So how long is too long to leave a pet alone? What can a person do to ensure that a pet is not harmed?

When my husband and I took a long trip in our old but still on-the-go RV, we took our two cats with us. But one of them did not adapt well to traveling; and we decided, after two close trips and one over 2,000 miles each way, that if we traveled any further, she couldn’t go. Since GG couldn’t go, Funny Face needed to stay with her because the two of them don’t like being apart. The two cats can do quite well on their own indoors with automatic water bowls and feeders, a clean litter box, and no access to the outdoors. However, unexpected things can and usually do happen. So we always had someone who knew the cats check on them at least twice a week or more.

What difference does it make to make arrangements for pets left for extended periods? Let’s look at some of the problems that can arise if pets are left alone and unsupervised.

Pets left alone for longer than normal can cause stress or behavior problems. Cats and dogs left indoors have been known to become destructive or eat houseplants, both of which are unusual. Destructive behavior not only results in a disaster waiting for the owners to return, but can become a type of habitual behavior. Eating houseplants often leads to poisoning. As a result, pets may also revert to less socially accepted behavior. Injuries, heat stroke, or illness from ticks or snakebites are dangers for pets left outside for long periods of time.

Even if automatic waterers and feeders are in place, they could become clogged or malfunction, leaving an animal without food or water.

Therefore, no animal should be left unattended for more than an hour or two longer than the owner would normally be gone. Someone should check the animal regularly, pay attention to it, make sure that there is enough water and food, and allow the pet to feel as if it is not abandoned. If there is no one available who you can trust and who knows the pet, consider placing the dog, cat, or whatever in a boarding facility that you have inspected and know to be in good standing.

Having a pet is a commitment that a person makes throughout the life of the animal. Therefore, more time and effort is needed when the owner must leave the pet for long periods of time.

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