Masseter Botox – How Long Do the Effects of Masseter Botox Last?

How Long Do the Effects of Masseter Botox Last

Masseter Botox is a popular injectable treatment that is well-known for its effectiveness at smoothing certain types of wrinkles and fine lines. It can also be used to shrink the bulk of the masseter muscle, which in turn can help slim the jawline for a more feminine appearance. This non-invasive procedure can be performed in the comfort of a provider’s office and typically takes less than an hour to complete.

The first step is a consultation to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for the procedure and that there are no underlying issues that would prevent its success. During this initial appointment, the provider will examine the jawline to determine what needs to be accomplished with the injections. They will then clean the skin to minimize the risk of infection and mark the area with a marker to guide them when performing the injections. Using a sterile syringe, the provider will carefully insert the botulinum toxin into the masseter muscle. The number of syringes required depends on the size of the masseter and the issue being addressed.

After the injections are made, the provider will massage the injected area to help the Botox Masseter settle and reduce the likelihood of any discomfort. Patients may experience some mild swelling or bruising around the injection site, but these symptoms should resolve on their own within 24 hours. During this time, it is important to avoid excessive facial manipulation or rubbing as this can shift the botulinum toxin away from its intended target and compromise the results of the treatment.

Masseter Botox – How Long Do the Effects of Masseter Botox Last?

The exact timeline for the onset of Masseter Botox effects will vary from patient to patient, depending on a variety of factors. The degree of bruxism present may affect the speed at which results are seen, as will the injection’s location within the masseter muscle. The amount of masseter Botox used may also be a factor in how quickly the results are noticed.

Once the effects of Masseter Botox begin to wear off, it is important to schedule regular follow-up appointments to maintain the desired result. The team at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center in NYC works with each patient to establish a botox maintenance routine that provides the best results possible.

Masseter Botox is ideal for individuals who are bothered by the shape of their jawline and want a slimmer, more feminine figure, or those who have developed enlarged masseter muscles as a result of teeth grinding / clenching or chewing gum. This minimally invasive procedure is also beneficial for those who suffer from TMJ disorder and are looking to ease the pain caused by clenching their jaw. To learn more about if you are a good candidate for this procedure, contact our practice and set up a consultation with Dr. Green. She will work with you to develop a timeline for masseter Botox treatments that provide the most attractive and natural-looking results. During your appointment, she will ask you to clench your jaw to evaluate the strength of your muscle contraction and establish a proper treatment schedule.

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