Natural Male Enhancement: How To Get A Bigger Penis In 6 Minutes A Day!

Do you want to have a bigger penis? Do you want to make it grow massively… without taking any risk, without spending a lot of money and without losing your results shortly after finishing the method? Well my friend, to get all those benefits, what I recommend you consider doing is to forget about unnatural methods (like tools) and focus more on natural male enhancement.

From personal experience and through years of research, I have found that penile exercises are by far the most natural and effective method for gaining a larger endowment…quickly, easily and permanently.

To help you understand the simplicity and effectiveness of this method, here are 3 simple penis exercises you can do…and the entire workout only takes 6 minutes!

Are you ready? Come on…

Part I: Tensing the PC Muscle

Strengthening your PC muscle will lead to massive gains not only with the size of your penile erection, but also with the improvement of your sexual performance.

How do you find the PC muscle?

The PC muscle (pubococcygeus) is located between the anus and the testicles. You can find it by going to the bathroom and trying to stop the flow of urine. The muscle that makes this possible is the PC muscle. Another way to find it is to develop an erection and try to move the penis with your hands free.

One of the basic exercises to strengthen this muscle is called PC tightening.

To do this exercise, start by tensing your PC muscle and then immediately release it (sort of in a pulsating fashion). Do this for 15-20 repetitions. Pause for one minute, then repeat 3 times.

Part II: Stretching exercise

Stretching exercises will help do the obvious… make you grow taller!

The workout you’re going to do here is the basic stretching exercise.

To do this workout:

Step 1: Make an OK sign with your hand touching your index finger to your thumb.

Step 2 – Now place your OK sign at the base of your penis with your penis through the O.

Step 3 – Pull (do not slide) your OK sign out gently, then return to starting position. Do this 10 times in a rhythmic motion.

Step 4 – Now gently pull and rotate your penis clockwise 5 times and then counterclockwise 5 times.

Repeat the above for 2 minutes.

Part III. massage exercise

Massage exercises will help increase the girth of your penis erection and flaccid pendulous size.

What needs to be done here is the basic massage exercise called “Powdered Milk”.

To do this workout:

Step 1 – For this workout, you need to get your penis 50% erect.

Step 2 – You are going to make the OK hand sign again and place it at the base of your penis with your manhood through the O.

Step 3 – Move your OK sign up and then release your hand just before you reach the head of his penis.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 2 minutes.

*NOTE* If you start to get a full erection while doing this exercise, stop until your erection has returned to 50% erection.

By the way, doing this exercise helps you mentally train yourself to better control your erections too!

Training finished!

Are there more trainings?

Yes, and I recommend a complete penile exercise program with many different exercises at different levels (beginner to advanced), and it has been shown to be effective for many men.

The penis exercise program that I plan to go with has a myriad of different exercises that you can do to help you grow longer, thicker, harder, and stronger. When these exercises are performed consistently, you can enlarge your manhood by up to 4 extra inches in length, get a thicker penis, increase your flaccid size, have stronger orgasms, put an end to premature ejaculation, and even improve overall fitness. health of your manhood.

Simply put, to get the size you want without taking any risk…and without spending a fortune, your best bet would be to go the 100% natural route with a method like penis exercises. As you can see in the basic example routines above, this method is not only highly effective, but it’s also very fast, very simple, and a lot of fun to do.

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