Should you buy links to your website?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with buying links to your website, as long as you’re doing it for the “right” reasons. Depending on which side of the fence you’re sitting on, the meaning of the word “correct” can vary. To find out what you should do, here’s a quick look at the various reasons why you might want to buy links to your website, and whether doing so might cause you trouble with search engines.

The definition of “paid” is also quite flexible and can be anything from exchanging a link on your site for a link on someone else’s site, giving content to the other site, or paying a fee.

Buy links for direct traffic

If the links are bought for the clicks they generate immediately, this can be a good strategy.

Buying links in this way can be a good way to increase your traffic and can include text links (the kind we’re used to browsing the web with), banners that direct people to your site, links in your videos or any other method. that people can use to get to your website.

The price of a link can vary greatly. For example, Yahoo’s directory charges $299 per year for a link (more if you run an adult site), while Open Directory is free, apart from your time to request the link.

A link on a regular page of a site might cost a flat fee, a monthly or yearly fee, or you might get it in exchange for providing content to the site, maybe a guest post, maybe a video they can embed. your site, maybe a comment on your blog.

All of those methods can work well for direct traffic, but in general Google likes to see this type of link marked “nofollow” so that its search algorithm knows not to pass any importance to the link and not increase the PageRank of the link. your site as a result of the links.

As long as your paid links are marked “nofollow”, they follow all current guidelines issued by search engines.

Buy links to increase PageRank

Google hates this idea with a vengeance.

They have been known to penalize both the site selling you the link and you for receiving it. Forbes experienced this firsthand in 2011, so it doesn’t just apply to smaller websites.

There are several networks available that offer to connect you to sites that are set up to sell or rent links to you. They claim to have systems in place to protect you from penalties, but you have no way of knowing how good those systems are; It would certainly be quite easy for Google to register a fictitious company and find out who is selling links. Or they could simply configure their software to detect the unnatural patterns left by these sites (often called footprints).

Sites like Fiverr and eBay also offer services that sell links and again it’s a case of “buyer beware”.

In general, if you care about your site, I strongly suggest that you only buy links for the direct traffic they generate and that are marked “dofollow”.

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