The best game consoles – Sony PlayStation 3

When it comes to entertainment, people don’t seem to be concerned about high living expenses. They always find the most valid reason to have their own game console and play their favorite games. Even the most expensive console today called the PlayStation 3 is selling like hotcakes in game stores.

Sold for $500 each, the PlayStation 3 is said to be the most luxurious console man has ever seen. It can be said that this price is too much for a gaming product, but let me remind you that Sony has the most advanced technology when it comes to electronics, and rest assured that their product works just as well.

Having a game console that has a Blu-Ray player made exclusively for PlayStation is enough for a $500 product, but it doesn’t end there. How about HDMI support, Wi-Fi capability, USB and SD card slots, Bluetooth 2.0, IEEE 802.1, 250 GB hard drive, Dualshock wireless controllers, IBM quad core processors, ATI powered graphics engine, audio engine developed by Dolby Digital? and a futuristic style? Well, I can say that these are the best things that a game console can offer. I can say that PlayStation is more of an entertainment machine than a simple console.

Unfortunately, there is a big problem with this console. It seems to me that Sony is the only console manufacturer that doesn’t want to develop games. They no longer have external partners to help them develop games and they don’t prefer to develop games for their own product either. Most of the games that can be played on PlayStation 3 use the best possible graphics and audio, but the number of titles is not enough.

Here are some of the things to remember when you’re thinking about buying PlayStation 3. Always keep in mind that more than its ability to deliver the best possible entertainment, a game console is still a game console that requires more playable games. .

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